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filed in Daily Life

What Would You Like to Shed in 2018?

My first thing to shed – the daily, existential, political anxiety.

How about you?

Illustration by Jean Jullien




10 comments for “What Would You Like to Shed in 2018?”

  1. Petra says:

    Great visual! I shall shed my timidity and self-doubts!

    • wendy says:

      The Coach is me is asking this question, as we like to guide our clients with achievable, actionable steps. What’s one thing you can do to move this goal forward?

      • Petra says:

        Embrace letting myself feel vulnerable and afraid. I feel it, so why not embrace it? Not exactly a SMART goal, but I know what I mean. I am often fearful, although it doesn’t necessarily stop me from doing things.

        • wendy says:

          This past Saturday at my synagogue, there was a Bar Mitzvah. The tradition is that the honored 13 year old gives a teaching to the congregation and on Saturday, this extraordinary boy stood up in front of hundreds of people and talked about the pain he felt when his parents separated, and ultimately the love he got from his extended family. It was such an act of vulnerability and strength. I can’t stop thinking about it.

  2. Anne Roy says:

    I want to shed possessions … I have TOO much stuff so am going to concentrate on using things up. For example, I have six deodorants, seven bottles of shampoo, 11 containers of body lotion, 8 mascaras (all the same, all still boxed aside from the one I am using)… in the last month I have taken over 400 books (which I have read with no intention to read again) over to the charity shop … so my intent for 2018 is to get rid / use up stuff!

    • Claire says:

      I did the entire Marie Kondo tidy in one swoop when I moved over a year ago and now I’m a bit obsessed. It really has kept my house neater without much effort and I shop a whole lot less b/c I won’t buy it if I don’t love it.

      • wendy says:

        I received good training from my mother on this one. She taught me at a young age to buy a few, quality things but make them count.

    • wendy says:

      That’s a great intention. Are the seven bottles of shampoo different brands?

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