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The View From Here

As a Career Coach, I speak to people from all over the country. And this time of year, everyone’s seeing green. What do you look at from your open window?

Open Window by Gail Spaien


4 comments for “The View From Here”

  1. Petra says:

    Green, lots and lots of green! We’ve had an overly wet spring (farm planting is weeks behind schedule), but the grass and the trees do look lush. I took a long bike ride last week on my wonderful local rail-trail and was thrilled with the verdant banks and fields.

    • wendy says:

      The only downside of having green all year, like we do in Southern California, is that there’s not the same springtime rush. Enjoy!

  2. Liz says:

    I have a grove of mature trees outside my bedroom windows. I love to watch the leaves sway in the wind, and the rustle from the open windows, as I read in bed. I feel so much wisdom emanating from these old trees, keeping me company and nourishing my spirit. They’ve now transformed from a bright lime green to the darker lush green of summer.

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