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Me and Julia (or Keeping Busy While on Match.com)

juliachildReturning to Match.com with an “assignment,” has taken the edge off my horror of being there just to find a date. Now there’s a higher purpose to scanning photos of hundreds of men that I don’t want to go out with, or who probably don’t want to go out with me. Before reporting the results, I want to tell you about another  “assignment” over the next few days, to run alongside my hunt for love. I’ve decided to tackle Julia Child’s Boeuf Bourguignon.

As it turns out, layering these two activities is a great idea. Today, while the beef bones and aromatic vegetables were roasting in a hot oven, I got through the profiles of 100 men. As I was reaching my threshold of tolerance for one more guy in a wet suit, the oven timer went off and I had to run back to the kitchen.

My initial goal on Match was clear. Before moving forward with registration, I needed to find at least 3 men worth contacting. (Julia’s stew had no similar barrier to entry. Step one was making a beef stock.) Some numbers for you. There are 500 eligible candidates on Match within my framework of age and zip code. From those, I found 2 that I was excited to write to, and 13 that I was willing to write to. So I’m in. I uploaded  a new photo, updated my profile, and added a headline, “Cute and Well-read.” Meanwhile, the beef stock is cooling on the stove.

My photo will take up to 72 hours for confirmation, which will give me a few days to get ready for the harder tasks ahead.

In the meantime, I’ll be cooking with Julia.


One comment for “Me and Julia (or Keeping Busy While on Match.com)”

  1. I hate they guys that say “i’m a laid back guy”. I HATE that. That is the worst self identifier ever.

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