To recap: Two days on, and only a few winks. Not one full fledged note from anyone. But that’s not about me, right? It’s about them.
That’s why I prefer to cook. I’m almost finished preparing Julia Child’s Boeuf Bourguignon, which has been far more creative and rewarding than trying to scrounge up a date. (And I get to eat it!) What’s left is adding a butter and flour paste, or beurre manié, to the stew with a little red wine. (There’s already a whole bottle of Burgundy in there.) I’ll be serving the finished product to a few girlfriends on Friday night, with buttered noodles, a blue cheese salad, and ice cold martinis. Now that’s something to cheer about.
Making badass food for friends. Way better than dating.
I try to think of low wink ratios like this: If you went out for the evening to a venue that had several hundred guys and several hundred women, you’d probably feel pretty good if one or two decent men introduced themselves and asked for your number, right? You wouldn’t think of it as though the other 198 guys in the room had rejected you. But that’s kind of what we do with online dating. We expect that the response ratio is going to be far better when, in reality, it probably isn’t. Online dating is a really good way to expand your circle, but just like in the real world, most people WON’T be a match. Or at least that’s what I kept telling myself whenever some guy who made my heart flutter didn’t write back.
One other thing: I found I had a lot more luck if I was the one who initiated the contact and if I always wrote instead of just winking. It means a lot more to people to get a message, even a short one.
Short Black Bob Hairstyles …