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Contest: Why It’s Great to Be Single on Valentines Day

Are you fed up with buying your own Valentines Day candy, or hoping a loved one will bring you some?  We can change that. All you have to do is come up with the best reason why it’s great to be single on Valentines Day and we’ll deliver a box of yummy L.A. BURDICK artisanal chocolate  to your home in time for the holiday.

Here are the ground rules. Uh, actually there are none. Comment as often as you like. You don’t have to be single to win (because how could I check). The winner will need to give us a first and last name, U.S. mailing address and phone number (for delivery purposes only). We’ll be gathering entries until January 28 and posting one great reason a day during the 10 days leading up to February 14.

Let the games begin…

LAST UPDATE: We have a winner!!!!!


56 comments for “Contest: Why It’s Great to Be Single on Valentines Day”

  1. Stephanie says:

    Okay I’ll start:

    You never have to worry about what-is-an-appropriate-Valentines-gift-will-he-even-bother-oh-god-I-hope-I-didn’t-spend too much.

  2. You won’t be given a dead plant from the grocery store by your sweetie. (this happened to my friend– she married him anyways– they’re now divorced)

  3. Rachel says:

    Some reason it’s great to be single every day: You can do whatever you want to!

  4. Brenda Reiter says:

    Zero expectation=Zero disappointment

  5. Rachel says:

    You can celebrate Quirkyalone Day!

    (Oh, and that should be same reason, not some, in my <a href="https://firstpersonsingular.org/2010/01/15/contest-why-its-great-to-be-single-on-valentines-day/comment-page-1/#comment-2882"&quot; previous comment.)

  6. Altoon says:

    first off: Burdick chocolates are the best!!!

    I just started reading a novel by a Victorian woman writer, Margaret Oliphant, who was widowed young and supported her family, including feckless relatives, by her writing. At the beginning of chapter 3 in “Hester”, there is a description of the life of Catherine, who had saved her family’s bank and gone on to run it for many years, never marrying. Here is the novelist’s description of the benefits of being single and childless:

    “She had gone along peacefully, nobody making her afraid, no one to be anxious about, no one dear enough to rend her heart.”

    “If love brings great happiness it brings many woes…..when the hearts of the mothers were torn with anxiety, she went free…she had the good of other people’s children in a wonderful degree, but it was impossible she could have the harm of them…”

  7. Jules says:

    What an amazing photograph. It provokes the question; can a chocolate be completely enjoyed with others or is it a singular sensual pleasure, ultimately to be experienced fully alone?
    If we answer alone, how ironic that one of the more sensual pleasures is solitary but often celebrated as a symbol of the love for another or hopefully mutual love.
    Women are often expected to condone and treasure the love for another over care and love for oneself. This self-love isn’t narcissistic but a necessary foundation for life and for mutual love.
    Maybe celebrating Valentine’s Day with a box of chocolates solo and truly enjoying the pleasure is a necessary component of enjoying and living life to its fullest.
    So, let’s enjoy and dig in with undiluted abandonment.

  8. io. says:

    Because you don’t have to put up with anyone, any hassles, any problems or any whining for the other 364 days of the year …..

    What kind of “return” is that? Anybody would tell you the return is lousy – nobody would fall for something like this!

  9. Jill Harrison says:

    Because you don’t have to go out on amateur night, where not only you but everyone else’s expectations are heavy in the air. You’re wondering if all the people out there are having a better night, better sex, better presents and better connection than you. You don’t have to worry if your sweetheart will buy you a card or a present and you don’t have to risk disappointment.

  10. Amy says:

    When you don’t have to focus on a partner it leaves you free to focus on love in a greater sense. Valentine’s Day is then about celebrating love in all it’s marvelous forms – for your parents, children, siblings, friends – even strangers – and whomever has become part of your daily family. My dad buys me a single red rose every year for Valentine’s Day and his creative methods for making sure I receive it whether I am near or far means more to me than any trinket I’ve received from a boyfriend in the past.

    Also – in my 20s Valentine’s Day became my favorite single girls night of the year! It’s an opportunity to get your fellow singles together and celebrate your independence. Whether it be staying in with ice cream cake or dolling up and heading out to have some drinks and do some dancing, Valentine’s Day never has to be about sitting alone feeling sorry for yourself. I used to be quite disappointed when it would happen that I’d be dating someone in February. I much preferred to spend the night having fun with my favorite single gals!

  11. Jen Gardner says:

    Sister Without a Mister Night! This started in my sorority, when the non-attached girls would go out to dinner and a cheesy chick flick that no man would ever willingly see. It still continues in my adult life and is a wonderful excuse to get together with my girlfriends who can relate to the unique ups and downs of being single.

  12. Leigh Kelly says:




  13. Emily says:

    Ah Valentines day – My husband and I like to use it as an opportunity to get in to a raging fight over unmet expectations. I’ve been married 13 yrs and I swear Vday never ceases to be disappointing. Real love and such sentiments come when you least expect them and don’t demand them. Also, small children find beautiful ways to joyfully celebrate Valentines day – and it has nothing to do with coupling, “romantic love” or sex. maybe they are on to something…

  14. […] those of you sitting on the fence, DON’T. Last week, I previewed a CONTEST and here are more juicy prize details from L.A. Burdick, one of the country’s premier […]

  15. Allison says:

    My high school boyfriend once asked if I would share his V.D. with him. He then turned up on the actual day with a rose, a racy card, and the promise of “tickets” to whatever concert I wanted.

    I never saw those “tickets.”

    That was enough to turn me off from the holiday forever.

  16. Amber says:

    Being single this Valentine’s day is great, because it leaves you free to celebrate the beginning of the Chinese New Year! My roommates and I are planning a Chinese potluck for us and our unattached friends replete with tasty Chinese dishes, fireworks and red envelopes with chocolate money inside. So, sorry married and attached friends try not to be too jealous!

  17. Jules says:

    You changed the photograph. I much preferred the first. What happened?
    It’s been fun to read some of these great comments and the chocolates sound great.

  18. Rachel says:

    I can celebrate myself all day because I am so wonderful and lovable!

    (Interestingly enough I started out writing this with “you”s…)

  19. Maria Bjorns says:

    except for the obvious that you don’t have to worry about how far you’re relationship has gone to find the level for the gift,-type of problems that couples face on this day, Valentine’s Day is the
    perfect day to go out since all the taken ones stay in or go to
    restaurants, the dance floors are for singles and we know how to

  20. Namezook says:

    When i read Allison’s comment i thought she said a guy wanted to share his venereal disease with him!! then i read more carefully ..

  21. Being single on Valentine’s Day means you can stop everything and really use the day for what it is meant for–Love. Take time to be still, quiet and get to know your emotional self. No, not the one who reacts to everything, she is your conditioned, knee jerk self. She finds fault with you and others.

    Your emotional self is the one you don’t pay any attention to…she is probably hiding in your unconscious! She is the one you need to fall in love with so you can then fall into the heavenly energy of love with someone else. Yes, you could fall into love some day. Love is an energy, not a person or thing. Love accepts and does not find fault with you or your beloved.

  22. Christine says:

    Because there’s no pressure once so ever!

    No pressure to….

    Find the perfect outfit that makes you look skinny, hot, classy, feminine, and like you’re not trying too hard all at the same time

    Have clear, blemish-free skin for just one damn night!!

    Have unfrizzy, volumized, shiny hair

    Go to the most romantic restaurant and find the best-tasting meal on the menu that doesn’t make you have bad breath or bloated

    Get the perfect gift

    Be happy, excited and in a good mood

    Have perfect, mind-blowing Valentine’s Day sex

    Leave the couch

    Get out of your sweats

    Eat 3 balanced meals (or anything other than sweets and take-out)

    Take it easy the Saturday night before so you’re not hung-over and feeling gross for the big day

    Compare notes with you co-workers and married friends the following Monday

    and finally…

    No pressure to fantasize about the perfect guy and the perfect date or to create some unattainable ideal that will inevitably let you down! We have the other 364 days of the year to do that!!! 🙂

  23. Amy L Williams says:

    The best part about being single on Valentine’s Day is that you get to keep all the Valentine chocolate for yourself! Yum!

  24. […] Single, Win a Box of Chocolates A listener sent me a link to this contest where you can win a box of chocolates for coming up with the best reason for being single on V-Day. […]

  25. Sadie Wangler says:

    Wow Christine really nailed this one but one other fantastic thing that was not mentioned is that it is a perfect day to go on 27 different dates with 27 different guys and feel OK about yourself in addition to expecting a gift at every one while not caring what it is 🙂 eventually you will get a rose, chocolate, and whatever else a guy might think to bring you!!

  26. I am 42 and happily single. 🙂

    One of the best benefits of being single on Valentines day is if I
    want a HUGE heart filled with chocolates, then by blessit, I am going to get a huge heart filled with chocolates! And not ONE person is going to tell me a) how it isnt good for me, b) how it will go straight to my hips or c) give me that disapproving look that says, “I am not going to say anything out loud, but this look that I am giving you will remind you just how badly you are blowing your diet.”

    Heck, I can even do my very own 12 Days of Valentines if I like!

  27. Allison says:

    Namezook, that was his idea of a “joke”–referring to Valentine’s Day as V.D. I should have clarified…

  28. Trish Rubin says:

    For the second year in a row, I am attending a Girls “at home”
    Valentine party in NYC…My married, lawyer girlfriend’s husband owns
    a restaurant so HE IS NOT HOME on Valentines!!!

    Theresa cooks for
    about 15 of us singles…it turns into a big party/networking event!
    Last year, one of my married friends said, “I’ll bet you talked about MEN all night…”
    NO, WE talked about caring for our older parents, and how it was
    killing US!. I made new friends and great biz contacts…I just
    started dating someone, and already told him I am booked with Theresa
    on VAlentines DAY again!!!!
    Trish RubinPresidentThe EdVentures.groupWWW.THEEDVENTURESGROUP.COM

  29. Bien says:

    One of the main reason to be single in valentines day is that you can always enjoy the day of love and just nibble on others love with no strings attach 😀

    and best thing is you dont have to worry about what to give others! 😛

    and btw theres no reason keeping your options open 😛

  30. Frank Bell says:

    I find it amazing how we designate one day a year for such things. this is partly why “Earth Day” never set right for me. I love our mother earth, and think she surely deserves more than just one day a year for us to clean up and give back. Thanksgiving – arguably one of my most all time favorite holidays. Why not always be thankful? Why not always eat a hearty meal? Thus, Valentine’s Day – why not always show love? Love is beautiful… I say lovin’ 365 days a year! Although at the moment i’m not specifically nor significantly involved with an other, I’d like to spread the love and wish you all – single and attached – a lovely Valentine’s Day!

  31. For all the singletons out there, Valentine’s Day can bring on the blues. It’s time to get in the pink!

    Internationally acclaimed stress expert Dr. Kathleen Hall has designed a fail-proof plan for ditching depression and embracing the single life come Valentine’s Day.

    o If you feel a sense of dread when you think about Valentine’s Day or anticipate a day plagued by feelings of loneliness, plan ahead! Since February 14th is a Sunday this year, make it a day focused solely on you.
    – Spend the day with a good friend or family member.
    – Do something different and fun like visiting the zoo or going ice-skating.
    – Rent a funny movie or attend a comedy club. Laughter increases the “happiness” hormones serotonin and endorphins.
    – Treat yourself—to a pedicure or massage.

    o To prevent the onset of depressive feelings, be sure to eat well on Valentine’s Day.
    – Always eat breakfast: It stabilizes your mood for the day, as well as increases your metabolism.
    – Be sure to include plenty of Omega 3 foods in your diet. Studies show they reduce depression and stress.
    – Make sure to eat foods with B6s as well. This includes bananas, tuna, turkey, salmon, rice and sunflower seeds.
    – Your biggest mood boost comes from combining lean protein and complex carbohydrates.
    – Eat with others, so as not to overindulge or drown your sorrows in food.

    o If you begin to feel lonely or depressed, get outdoors!
    – Science shows that being in nature decreases symptoms of depression and stress.
    – Take a walk in the park, or go for a jog outside. Exercise has been shown to reduce depression as much as antidepressants. The endorphin boost will benefit both your mind and body.
    – Play your favorite music. Music can boost your mood instantly and keep you entertained while exercising.

  32. Beth Florina says:

    Let me provide you with the number one reason why it is FABULOUS to be single during Valentines Day…..

    <3 Gorging on your favorite foods + Friends = Pure Bliss <3

    Make it a girls night to salute the life of bachelorette. People are busy these days, and time together is the best gift most can give.
    Spectacular Single

    Beth Florina

  33. Luisa says:

    You don’t have to share the box of chocolates.

  34. Matty Sterenchock says:

    you can stay clear of this: http://www.valentinesdaymovie.com/

  35. Nancy says:

    Valentine’s Day — New Year’s Eve — forced adoration/adulation are to be avoided. Opting out feels good!

  36. migtwig says:

    It’s great to be single on Valentines Day because I can define the day however way I want to. And as it falls on a Sunday this year:

    – In the morning, I can either sleep in or get up and call friends or family to catch up or read the paper or have brunch with friends.

    – In the afternoon, I could go on a hike ( the green lushness and the waterfalls this time of year in the Bay Area are amazing and inspiring ) or I could take a nap or go see a matinee. And no, it doesn’t have to be a romantic comedy.

    – In the evening, I could either have dinner with a friend or go on a date or stay home and get take out or work on an art project.

    – I suppose I could also spend the day feeling completely sorry for myself, but the truth is, I’ve done that enough and it really does get old.

    And as chocolates and flowers go, I live across the street from an amazing pastry shop and since I’m a floral designer, there are alway flowers in my apartment.

    Happy Valentines Day everyone!

  37. Hi.

    I’m Dr. Terri, The Love Doctor, and relationship consultant to SeniorPeopleMeet.com. Valentines Day is just a REMINDER to appreciate ALL the important people in your life, not just romantic others/partners.

    So here is my professional advice to singles:

    1. Don’t despair, if that someone special is not in your life this year. Rejoice and appreciate the other important people who make
    you happy. Send heartfelt thoughts and expressions their way. Greeting
    cards or email messages are an excellent choice to show you care.

    2. Do remember that Valentine’s Day is a day of love. Love can
    come your way from good friends and family. Stay upbeat and positive. And, you just never know when Cupid will strike.

    3. On-line dating sites have become so common that Valentine’s Day is a good day to make a resolution to start to find that someone special.

  38. Annie Earley says:

    If you are single and are happy with your life, being alone on Valentine’s Day should not be a problem. You could stay home and make a special dinner for yourself, watch a movie, go out with a single friend or couple, go to a dance for singles, etc. Unfortunately, all of these things will probably make you feel lonely. All of the hype that goes along with Valentine’s Day can make a single person feel that there is something missing in their life.
    However, if I look back on just ONE particular event that I experienced on Valentine’s Day, I can justify why it could be great to be single on Valentine’s Day.
    I was married and had been for 6 years. I dated my husband for three years before we got married. Valentine’s Day was approaching. In the past he usually ran to the local drug store (or bar) after he got up on Valentine’s Day and would come home with a card and some small token he picked up. He would actually pretend to sneak the card past me and go into the bedroom to sign it. I usually had his gift well thought out and purchased and wrapped days before. I had learned to be content with this. It was better than nothing. So, as usual, I expected that when he got up on this particular Valentine’s Day the routine would be the same. So I waited.
    It was around noon when some friends came to the door and he finally got out of bed. Our friends had been dating for only a short while and, at the time, were crazy about each other. He told her to show me what he got her for Valentine’s Day. Well, he had given her a pair of southwestern earrings he had specially ordered from a jewelry store in Montana. He had also given her a western blouse and new jeans; boots and a beautiful belt topped off her outfit. She was so exited and prancing around in her new outfit; I was biting my lip.
    Finally, her boyfriend said to me, “What did you get for Valentine’s Day Annie?” Before I had chance to say anything, my husband said, “I’m in trouble, I screwed up. I didn’t get anything for Annie for Valentine’s Day. I was going to get up and go for something today but now you two are here.”
    He looked sad, he was feeling bad for himself like a little kid who had done something wrong and got scolded. It was all about him. He didn’t even know the hurt I was feeling inside and how much I wanted to burst into tears. In the past year he had gone through two surgeries and I waited on him hand and foot and nursed him back to health. The fact that he couldn’t even get me a card…well, it broke my heart. I held back the tears, determined not to let it get to me.
    The day went slowly and we didn’t say much to each other. He was sulking on the sofa most of the day and then went to the bar like he usually did in the evening.
    The next morning the phone rang. It was my sister-in-law. We were supposed to go to a bridal shower. When I answered the phone she was her usual chipper self and when she asked me what time I wanted to leave for the shower. Well, I started to answer but the next thing I know I was bawling my eyes out and sobbing. I couldn’t help myself.
    She asked me what was wrong and I told her what had happened and was crying and saying, “He couldn’t even take the time to get me a card…that’s how much he cares about me.”
    She said, “Take your shower and get ready, I’ll be over in a little while.”
    It was only about 20 minutes later when there was a knock on the door. I went to the door and there stood my sister-in-law with her little boy (my godson). He held a dozen red roses in his one hand and a small red teddy in the other. She was holding a card and a box of candy. It brings tears to my eyes now just thinking of it.
    So, if you are single or alone on Valentine’s Day just think to yourself. It’s better to be alone than to be in a relationship and be unhappy, hurt and disappointed. You are single because you haven’t found the right one for you yet and you are not going to settle for less. Now, that is a great reason to be single on Valentine’s Day.

  39. […] carousing, don’t forget that today is the last day to add your comments to our contest, Why It’s Great to be Single on Valentines Day. Great chocolate […]

  40. Jen says:

    I think we should just let them have this one, the couples. Being in a relationship is a lot of work. So, they take a day to honor themselves and the love they have for each other. It’s important, because when you’re in a relationship it’s easy to forget that that’s what it’s all ultimately about: making your lives better and more enjoyable because you’re there to love and support each other.

    My friend in AA says that being in a relationship is like pouring Miracle Grow on your character defects. And that’s my experience. I feel perfectly sane until I begin to entwine my life with someone else and then I realize some of the demons I thought I’d ousted have just been lying dormant. The benefits of happy coupledom are plenty, but so is the work getting and staying there. Hats off to them.

    I try to see Valentine’s Day like Mother’s Day. I don’t lament the fact that I’m not getting breakfast in bed because I’m not a mother.

  41. […] Tune in tomorrow for the rollout of Why it’s Great to be Single on Valentines Day. […]

  42. Rachel says:

    Even though it’s past the deadline, I thought I’d add:

    If you’re enjoying Valentine’s Day solo, you don’t have to spend the weeks/days leading up to it desperately trying to find a partner just so you don’t have “to be alone” on Valentine’s Day!

  43. […] starts the countdown of ten reasons Why It’s Great to Be Single on Valentines Day.       Chocolate winner announced on February 14. From Rachel: Same reason it’s great to be […]

  44. […] Why It’s Great to Be Single on Valentines Day, reason #2 from Jill: Because you don’t have to go out on amateur night, where not only you but everyone else’s expectations are heavy in the air. You’re wondering if all the people out there are having a better night, better sex, better presents and better connection than you. You don’t have to worry if your sweetheart will buy you a card or a present and you don’t have to risk disappointment. […]

  45. […] Why It’s Great to Be Single on Valentines Day, reason #3 from Emily:   Ah Valentines day – My husband and I like to use it as an opportunity to get into a raging fight over unmet expectations. I’ve been married 13 yrs and I swear Vday never ceases to be disappointing. Real love and such sentiments come when you least expect them and don’t demand them. Also, small children find beautiful ways to joyfully celebrate Valentines day – and it has nothing to do with coupling, “romantic love” or sex. maybe they are on to something… […]

  46. […] Why It’s Great to Be Single on Valentines Day, reason #4 from Amber: […]

  47. Petra says:

    Because I get the best cards for myself! And I get to eat homemade chocolate layer cake for BREAKFAST!!!

  48. […] Why It’s Great to Be Single on Valentines Day, reason #5 from Matty: You can stay clear of this: http://www.valentinesdaymovie.com/ […]

  49. […] Why It’s Great to Be Single on Valentines Day, reason #6 from Nancy:     Valentine’s Day — New Year’s Eve — forced adoration/adulation are to be avoided. Opting out feels good! […]

  50. […] Why It’s Great to Be Single on Valentines Day, reason #7 from Jen G.:       […]

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