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filed in What Gets Me Through the Day

The Price of Beauty

When I see beautiful women aging, particularly women who are defined by their looks, I feel their pain. Not because it’s my story, of course, which is strictly fantasizing about what dating and mating would be like if I were ravishing. But I can imagine what loss it must be to not turn heads anymore. Years ago, I was lucky enough to be standing near the great French actress, Catherine Deneuve. Casually dressed with her blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail, she was clearly showing age, but her beauty was timeless, as if a spotlight was still following her luminous face.

(Image: Photograph and book by renowned photographer Nadav Kander.)

Why It’s Great to Be Single on Valentines Day, reason #8 from Christine:    

Because there’s no pressure whatsoever! No pressure to….

Find the perfect outfit that makes you look skinny, hot, classy, feminine, and like you’re not trying too hard all at the same time

Have clear, blemish-free skin for just one damn night!!

Have unfrizzy, volumized, shiny hair

Go to the most romantic restaurant and find the best-tasting meal on the menu that doesn’t make you have bad breath or bloated

Get the perfect gift

Be happy, excited and in a good mood

Have perfect, mind-blowing Valentine’s Day sex

Leave the couch

Get out of your sweats

Eat 3 balanced meals (or anything other than sweets and take-out)

Take it easy the Saturday night before so you’re not hung-over and feeling gross for the big day

Compare notes with you co-workers and married friends the following Monday

and finally…

No pressure to fantasize about the perfect guy and the perfect date or to create some unattainable ideal that will inevitably let you down! We have the other 364 days of the year to do that!!!


One comment for “The Price of Beauty”

  1. Petra says:

    Self-confidence in a woman is one of the best beauty treatments! Women secure in themselves always look so striking to me.

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