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filed in Daily Life, Myths and stereotypes

Getting Beyond Group Think

From writer Jonah Lehrer, How We Decide

While waiting in line for my cappuccino this weekend, I was ready to punch myself in the face, as I realized that everyone in line was wearing the exact same uniform: artfully frayed jeans, quirky printed t-shirts, flannel shirts, messy hair, etc. And we were all staring at the same gadget, and probably reading the same damn website. In other words, our pose of idiosyncratic uniqueness was a big charade. Self-loathing alert!

Let’s make a pact to do something at least once a week to get beyond our own echo chambers. I know someone who subscribes to email blasts from politicians she doesn’t agree with, in order to understand what they’re thinking. Jonah Lehrer makes a case for reaching out to people we don’t know, through social networking. Maybe I’ll strike up a conversation with a Tea Party follower, up the street.

Image: This is Where You Are, 2003, by Chris Johanson


2 comments for “Getting Beyond Group Think”

  1. Deborah Robertson says:

    I know what you mean – seems like we are looking for our tribe via the uniform but perhaps apart from the fact that you and those folks share some fashion sense and a love of delicious coffee – what’s in their hearts and minds is still a mystery, no? It has always been folly to judge a book by it’s cover. xx

  2. C.S. Lewiston says:

    “Everyone in this room is wearing a uniform, and don’t kid yourself!” – Frank Zappa, from stage during a concert, circa 1969-70.

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