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filed in Sex and Dating

Love the One You’re With

Earlier today, a long-distance, former flame with whom I haven’t talked for months, emailed to see if I wanted to rendezvous at an airport hotel 200 miles away, for dinner and I assume, sex. It has been awhile since a man asked me out for a meal, no less an overnight, so I considered his offer. Plus, it’s a Friday with no plans, and this sort of adventure appeals to me. Should I grab my toothbrush, get in the car and go for it? If I was mad for him, or even in lust, I might’ve already been on my way. Instead, I’m going to make spaghetti, watch Anatomy of a Murder on TMC and cuddle with the dog who loves me. Happy weekend!

Image: Wants/Needs by Scott Albrecht. An exhibition of his work opens today in San Francisco.


One comment for “Love the One You’re With”

  1. aussie friend says:

    wendy – very proud of you 🙂 I’m sure you had a great night just as you spent it 🙂

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