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filed in Sex and Dating

In Line Dating

There used to be an urban legend circulating in San Francisco about a Marina district supermarket where it was easy to hook up. Too far to walk, I was never motivated enough to get in the car to pursue it. But the other day, at Whole Foods, I made serious eye contact with an attractive guy while shopping for produce. (Me: Brussels sprouts, him: melon.) We crossed paths a few more times before ending up 3 feet away at the, uh, checkout line. I wasn’t sure how to finesse a conversation from a distance, so I bagged my groceries and went home, alone.

Image: Man Looking at Woman, 1949, Adolf Gottlieb, at MOMA.


3 comments for “In Line Dating”

  1. Bryan says:

    I was at whole foods last weekend with another guy picking up food and spotted a cute woman looking at cheese. She was wearing a short black dress and sexy red shoes. After mentioning her to my friend I walked up to her and said “Hi you’re cute, do you want to go out sometime?” There may have been a “How are you” and a funny comment about cheese first but I was pretty direct. She seemed surprised and said she had a boyfriend. My friend who had walked up asked her about wearing sexy red shoes to the supermarket. She laughed that I was very forward and we went our separate ways. I’m usually very reserved but it felt good not to wonder “what if?” for once.

  2. brewcitysingleton says:

    Ah, the grocery store! I’ve tried this a few times and just end up with too many items to shlep home. I had a similar thing happen to me last week at school. A very gorgeous guy (a la Jason Statham) I’ve been drawn to was sitting alone in the union cafeteria. This was my chance to sit at the same table and at least say hi and introduce myself. But instead the 13 yr old in me came out and instead of being a brave 30 something I ran away to a hallway to eat my lunch. Why is it I can be brave in so many other areas of my life but when it comes to men I tuck tail and, literally, run away?

  3. Adam Leipzig says:

    My vote for Los Angeles market with most attractive and eligible shoppers is Whole Foods at Santa Monica and Fairfax. What do others think?

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