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Savor the Old. Bring in the New!

The only way to spend New Year’s Eve is either quietly with friends or in a brothel.  Otherwise when the evening ends and people pair off, someone is bound to be left in tears.  ~W.H. Auden

Make your New Year’s resolution count. Enter our contest.

Image: 2011 in Hong Kong

Counting Down

Gymnastics by Gerhard Richter, 1967.

When It’s Good to Keep Moving

“It is always during a passing state of mind that we make lasting resolutions.” – Marcel Proust

Make a resolution, win a great prize. Check out our new CONTEST!

Illustration by Iv Orlov

Audacity of the New Year’s Resolution: A Contest!

For the first time in a long time, I’ve made a New Year’s resolution. For one thing, I need the push (I’ll reveal mine in the next few days) and I’m drawn to the can-do spirit of believing that tomorrow can be different than today. Will you take the New Year’s resolution plunge with me? It’s worth it. FPS is offering a fantastic prize to the winning resolution, from the luxurious skin care line ARCONA. What will you tweak in your life to make tomorrow more of what you want it to be? Submit your entry using the Comments section. Include your full name and email address. (If you win, we’ll need a U.S. shipping address.) Enter as often as you like. Deadline: January 7, 2011.

Image: Untitled by Brad Phillips.

What Keeps You Sane During the Holiday Week?

Yes, Christmas day 2010 is behind us, but we’re not out of the woods yet. This is an off-kilter week, capped by New Year’s Eve, which is almost as fraught as Valentines Day. What’s worse is my favorite TV shows are on hiatus, and the neighborhood park, where I just returned from walking my dog, is crammed with happy families. (Okay, maybe they’re not happy. Maybe they’re looking at me with envy.) Apart from the time consuming love fest I’ve got going on with my pets, other activities include: watching all the potential Oscar movies, checking out a William Eggleston exhibit, catching up on back issues of The New Yorker, and toning my abs. What about you?

Image: Museum by Rui Tenreiro

Christmas Spirit

Painting by Paul Thek, 1985. See a retrospective of his work at the Whitney Museum.

Ho Ho Ho Music Therapy

Here’s to Safe Journeys and Good Eating!

The workaday world is slipping away and most people seem to be focussed on traveling, getting ready for a trip, or in my case, preparing holiday food. For those of you spending time with family, I hope it’s filled with love, is relatively stress-free (a girl can dream!) with no one criticizing your wardrobe or lifestyle.

Bottom Line Advice for Getting Through the Holidays

I Will Survive, by French stencil artist, Christian Guémy (C215)

What To Eat for a Jewish Christmas?

With no pressure from family or religion, I can do anything I want for Christmas. But most restaurants are closed, and Jewish friends are in need of a decent meal, so I’ve taken to cooking, which makes my table a popular place. Last Sunday, I test-ran this recipe from Dorie Greenspan’s acclaimed new cookbook, and the results were spectacular. Her Chicken in the Pot is easy, luscious, looks festive on the plate, and can be fully prepared ahead of time. Rave reviews guaranteed.

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