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Audacity of the New Year’s Resolution: A Contest!

For the first time in a long time, I’ve made a New Year’s resolution. For one thing, I need the push (I’ll reveal mine in the next few days) and I’m drawn to the can-do spirit of believing that tomorrow can be different than today. Will you take the New Year’s resolution plunge with me? It’s worth it. FPS is offering a fantastic prize to the winning resolution, from the luxurious skin care line ARCONA. What will you tweak in your life to make tomorrow more of what you want it to be? Submit your entry using the Comments section. Include your full name and email address. (If you win, we’ll need a U.S. shipping address.) Enter as often as you like. Deadline: January 7, 2011.

Image: Untitled by Brad Phillips.


16 comments for “Audacity of the New Year’s Resolution: A Contest!”

  1. I resolve to blog more often (FPS is an inspiration!)

  2. Ehm says:

    I resolve to get to bed consistently.

  3. Camla says:

    I resolve to get over my ex-husband for once and for all…

  4. Leigh Kelly says:

    I resolve to go to museums.
    I resolve to make more plans with friends.

  5. Deborah Robertson says:

    I resolve to figure out what I like to do to have fun, and then do lots of it.

  6. MT says:

    My New Years resolution is to find even more humor in everything.

  7. I resolve to stop eating out for lunch so often.
    I also resolve to read for pleasure more often.

  8. brewcitysingleton says:

    My mother has always given me the advice to “be brave and strong” and this year I vow to do just that. Be brave as I start my new job at a local hospice facility and be strong as I (finally) start the nursing program later this year. 2010 was a fabulous year for me and hopefully I can keep the momentum in 2011!

    Lauren Nastachowski

  9. Mia says:

    i resolve to spend much less time on Facebook.

  10. I resolve to spend less time in idle activities (like facebook) and more time with fun, entrepreneurial and industrial endeavors.

  11. Allison Larty says:

    Even though I’m currently living in a city where I’m less than happy, I resolve to make the most of my last 6 months here so that I can look back on my experience with fondness rather than sourness.

  12. I resolve to cross off anything on my to-do list after it has sadly sat there, unfinished and incomplete, for over three months.

  13. Corbin Smith says:

    I resolve to stop talking to/encouraging/nudging and swearing at the mascara applying-face shaving-message texting-map reading-hair twirling other drivers who annoy the hell out of me and can’t hear me anyway…

  14. Hillary Harrod says:

    To think of a New Year’s resolution

  15. Anna Grace says:

    I resolve to be a better friend – the kind of friend I’d want to be friends with.

  16. Rosanne says:

    I resolve to stop ignoring “the elephant” on my life’s to do list that i wish i had tackled many months ago and to no longer add distracting goals that i want to do just so i can cross them off as done to not feel guilty about not tackling said elephant…
    perhaps i will resolve to stop seeing the elephant as an insurmountable mega-problem and see it for what it truly is, a set of challenging time-consuming, but achievable tasks that i just need to get started on – so i can stop being my own worst hurdle in getting it done.
    baby steps.
    it all starts with (a) resolution, no?

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