“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” Martin Luther King, Jr. Photo by Leonard Freed, 1964
There’s one prize left from our New Year’s Resolution contest. Please VOTE (through Jan. 21) for your favorite –
At the end of 2010, I invited readers to submit their New Year’s resolutions, selfishly in part, to have support for mine. (And to give away some fantastic skin care.) By support I mean, that once I committed out loud to all of you, I’d be more likely to follow through. Your resolutions gave me hope, with their optimism and goodness, and egged me on. Picking a winner was almost impossible. How do you weigh such a thing? Considering the context of First Person Singular, I decided to go with this clear and confident pledge from Camla: Continue reading »
“Earth” shattering news is exploding online today. According to the Minnesota Planetarium Society, there’s a 13th sign in the Zodiac, named Ophiuchus (pronounced off ee oo’ kus) lodged between Scorpio and Sagittairus. And are you sitting down? The moon’s gravitational pull on the Earth has changed the alignment of the stars, which means none of us are the signs we thought we were. (Nor were all those hot Scorpio men I thought were the real deal.) Does this mean I’m actually compatible with Virgos? New chart here:
Here’s the text of President Obama’s speech from the Tucson memorial service. It makes me want to be a better person.
Tears, 1930, by Man Ray
3 days left to fulfill my pledge of registering for Jdate. How’s your New Year’s resolution going?
Contest winner announced Friday!
Image by Sarah Illenberger
I’m holding on to the beaming rays of light from Tucson. Like Daniel Hernandez, the 20-year old intern, with his steely calm and rapid response, literally, under fire, who just might have saved the life of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. And Patricia Maisch, at 61, who had the astounding courage to grab the magazine clip as the shooter was trying to reload.
This image, Women in Motion, is by Malangatana Ngwenya one of Africa’s best-known and beloved contemporary artists, who died at the age of 74, last week. He was another beam of light, whose work was inspired by the political conditions in his home country of Mozambique and where he remained a strong cultural and civic presence throughout his life.
I just returned from a routine mammogram, which always leaves me irrationally anxious. (One funny side note was when the technician asked me, “how big are your breasts?” I mean, how do you answer that?) It’s my habit for 48 hours after this preventative test, to get jumpy every time the phone rings. But weekend approaches, and I plan on leaving all worries at the door.
It’s the last day to enter our contest. Wonderful skincare by Arcona is a resolution away.
Illustration by Sarah Mick (from the awesome To Resolve Project at Motherland)
Leading up to the 2004 election, I decided to phone bank for the Kerry/Edwards campaign. What got me in the door was politics, but also, because I hoped to meet someone to date. Okay, a bust on both counts. But it got me in the habit of pro-bono work. On January 17, in honor of Martin Luther King, President Obama is calling for a national day of service. Find an opportunity in your community. Be selfish and become a volunteer. Consider the perks:
Tucked in the back of a low-rent L.A. mall is Sports Chalet, whose name will tell you all you need to know. Today, I went there for a pair of 3-Lb. Neoprene dumbbells, which I’ll be using to sculpt my triceps. Now that Christmas and post-Christmas have come and gone, I expected the store to be like a morgue, but in fact, it was bustling. As I waited impatiently to pay, I looked around at the line of people cradling every variety of exercise gear, and realized we were there on the same mission, summed up by a poster at the store’s entrance: New Year, New You. Segue – OUR CONTEST
Illustration by Simon Foster (via Chris Streger at Motherland)
On New Year’s Day, I saw the film by acclaimed British director, Mike Leigh. I’m a big fan of his work (Secrets & Lies, Vera Drake), and his improvisational workshop method, which extracts amazing performances from actors, many of whom he uses again and again. Another Year is a character study about a happily married couple and their friends – in particular, a troubled and very lonely, single woman. It was uncomfortable for me to watch, as I kept making mental lists as to why this character’s life was nothing like mine. The more I think about the film, the more it pisses me off. And yet, Another Year is riveting. If you see it, please report back.
Contest details here.