For those who follow this site, you know I don’t like wallowing in the muck. (Well, maybe sometimes.) But today, I want to hear from YOU about the heavy lifting part of being single. Please be honest. What do you dislike the most? And if it’s all good, share that, too.
Image: Once Upon a Wall, by Aakash Nihalani
I truly relish being single the majority of the time. My commitment to the single life led me to this site in the first place, as it turns out. I am planning to mother alone and I have zilch interest in pursuing a relationship – I don’t have subscriptions to dating websites or the like.
That said, I have to say that every now and then I would like someone else to make a decision. Just once or twice, hand over the responsibility for the ceaseless decision making I seem to need to do.
I joked with colleagues that another use for a boyfriend would be to hold my eye open and put drops in when I had pink eye last week, because it was all getting bit much for me. Now that is sexy!
I have really grown into being more at peace with being single. (there are STILL hours,days and most recently weeks where that wasn’t the case) In my twenties that wasn’t true and even with the ending of a long term partnership of 11 years in my mid thirties. I love my autonomy and at times feel smug about it. I am truly blessed that I have had a woman mentor who has been single (75 years old) most of her adult life because she lives an amazing life of adventure, self growth and self reliance.
I miss being someone’s special someone and being care for in a day to day kinda way. The long term relationships that I have been in were with men who loved to care for me by doing domestic stuff. I also enjoy regular sex.
I so love your blog, Wendy. I started reading it after my latest break-up and I always appreciate your entries whether they speak directly to singledom or not.
oops forgot a crappy part of being single..singlism and the shitty self messages of “there is something wrong with me because I am single” or “You’re too picky that is why you are single.” Done 🙂
the supposed “sense of security”. As a single person you get the luxury of only thinking about yourself. But on the flip side of things you have only yourself to take care of you.
Hi Wendy,
Thanks for writing this great and honest blog, I really enjoy reading it.
I’m 30 and single, and have come to appreciate my single status more and more over the years, instead of seeing it as some sort of waiting station until I meet ‘the right man’. But sure, sometimes it sucks a little.
Lately – and I find this rather childish of myself – I’ve been getting really annoyed at all the attention people getting married and having babies get, and all the money I have to spend on them. I don’t envy what they have, but I envy the attention they get! I wish there was a way I could celebrate my single status. Because honestly, quite often I think my life is much cooler than theirs 😉
I’ve been thinking about registering for house gifts to celebrate my single life.
The heaviest is the hatred towards god for writing this tragic fate for me…
I’ve been thinking about throwing a big ’10 years single’ party in 4 years. Bring on the presents 🙂
Let’s say that for 2/3 of the time I’m quite happy to llve single.
Downsides are the pitiful status singles still have in society, everyone wants to know why you’re ‘still’ single,and hopes you will find ‘the right one’.
It’s something to answer for .
So the thing I most resent are businessdiners with partner, then I feel really somewhat left out.
On the upside the freedom, the being comfortable with myself.
When in weekends people stay at the house , regardless of the good times we have, my best moment is usually when I close the door after them.