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One of the reasons I love ballet class, despite its frustrations, is that it gives me the chance to confront fears in a safe environment and try to get past them. Leaving the ground is not a comfortable place for me, but I keep plugging away, hoping tomorrow, it’ll get easier.

Image via Gazpachot

What Do Single Women Look Like?

I have a bone to pick with one of my favorite writers, Haruki Murakami. I love his books, and breathlessly await each publication. I’ve been tearing through his blockbuster novel, IQ84, which arrived in the States a few weeks ago to rave reviews. And then I saw this, on page 179:                        Continue reading »

Getting Lost. Finding the Way. Getting Lost.

And so it goes…

Image: Staying on Course by Dadu Shin

Have You Shopped Today?

Image via Vandalog

Giving Thanks for Favorite Foodstuff

1. Parmegiano reggiano
2. Callebaut bittersweet chocolate discs
3. Kenter Canyon arugula
4. Villa Manodori balsamic vinegar
5. Straus whole milk vanilla yogurt
6. Café Fanny granola

Illustration by Ed Nacional


Lean On Me

The holidays are baaaaaaack. Traffic patterns are different, grocery stores are mobbed, my important emails are bouncing back with an automatic out of office reply. I know how to navigate through the holiday season, but I don’t love it. I’m not sure by whose side I belong. Yes. it’s a hard time to be single. Or maybe it’s a hard time to be in a relationship, and dealing with all the family obligations. Could be, it’s a hard time, period. With this as context, I was relieved to see artwork by Harland Miller, as a reminder that the fantasy of the devoted partner is most often just that.


Politics of Short Hair

In the 1920’s, when “the Bob” became the rage, modern women cut their hair to make a statement about freedom. Is it so different today?

Image: Adara by Guim Tió Zarraluki



Power to the People

Photo by warmsleepy

Importance of Persistence

Part of my daily practice of not getting discouraged.

Image via Magnificent Ruin


A Leap of Faith

I’ve never been a person who makes 5 and 10 year plans, though I admire that in others. At times, I suffer the consequences. When I really believe in something, I don’t like to plot out the possible scenarios ahead of time, maybe because I don’t want to be dissuaded. I prefer to figure things out along the way. Is this risky behavior?

Illustration by Alessandro Gottardo