Every day for as long as I can remember, I’ve been getting the NY Times delivered at home. There’ve been many Sunday mornings waking up alone, when seeing the blue-wrapped paper outside my door, reassured me, like an old friend coming over to visit. What keeps you company?
Comic by Grant Snider
I have found over the years the BBC on NPR is a very comforting voice on lonely nights. Something about its even tone stating the time in GMT and reading off news stories – even the horrific ones – puts my mind at ease.
I’ve been deeply in love once in my mature life and among the moments I remember most fondly were lazy Sunday mornings with both of us reading The Times, often aloud to each other.
I’m finally thinking about foregoing paper for digital, but I can’t imagine it will be the same.
Your website! It’s been like a comforting, understanding friend – always reliably there to give voice to all my anxieties, delights, and curiosities of my single life. So… thank you!
And you’re my company too. I can’t express enough how much that means to me.
I agree with Carryon- NPR is great company. The records on today’s artwork though are also seriously awesome. Joni Mitchell…oh how I love thee. Speaking of Joni, one of my favorites from her is “both sides now”. Can’t listen to it without feeling..something.
My two love bunnies Cinnamon and Benjamin are always great company, though I do envy their nonstop cuddling. I find I need to keep either music playing or the radio or TV to make me feel less alone. I love NPR on the weekends, especially “Car Talk”. I’m originally from Boaton and those funny guys make me feel I’m home.
Car Talk still makes me laugh out loud.