Since 6:30 this morning, my home internet access, land line, and television have been down, due to what Time Warner Cable claims is a fallen tree. TMC once blamed an outage on a chewing squirrel, rather than admit to outmoded wiring. So, here I am, pecking away on my iPhone at a Starbucks. The thought of getting through an evening without internet or TV is daunting. I might have to meditate, settle in with a good book, or find a friendly bar for a cocktail. #sweatingthesmallstuff
Wedge issues distract us, but they’re sure fun to talk about. I can’t believe that in 2012, we’re still arguing about contraception. Sane women aren’t arguing, they’re in complete agreement. It’s the clueless, old men who can’t face modern life. Sweet revenge? Donate to Planned Parenthood.
Mad Men, season five, begins March 25. Poster by Radio
Right before Thanksgiving, Ellen McCarthy, a fine journalist from The Washington Post, who had seen my blog, got in touch. Although Ellen usually writes about weddings, she was curious about single women who were living satisfying lives. She flew to L.A. to meet me, we had two pleasurable, extended sessions together, and in parting, I said, “make me look good.” When the article appeared online, my photo was accompanied by the headline, “The Lonely Hearts.” I almost passed out. How could they twist my upbeat story into a wallflower tale? Ellen wasn’t responsible for the headlines or selecting the photo. I appreciate her honest and nuanced reporting, but there’s a cloak of melancholy surrounding the piece, that reflects a wider cultural bias. To be single, is to have gotten the short end of a lonely stick.
Image: Christian Patterson
That’s me and Rose!!! Check it out and join the live chat on Monday, February 13. 1 PM EST.
Photo by Bret Hartman
Big screen TV (my kit is huge)
Vodka martini, dry, 2 olives
Vicolo pizza in the freezer
Skinny, cropped pants from Diana Slavin Womenswear
Non shedding dog and bed mate
Diversified portfolio of loved ones
Cute, straight Ballet teacher who can fix things
Image: Mints by Sarah Fries
A few years ago, I hired an attorney to draw up a will. Without the predicable next of kin, it was a provocative exercise. I had to really mull over who I considered my heirs. Was it a blood relative, close friend, charitable organization, my dog? For 6 months, I kept a running tally on a notepad, changing percentages at whim. I felt like a Queen. (Not nice enough to me one day, boom, you’re out.) What are the logistics of legacy when you’re single? The day my mother died, I put her wedding band on my right hand, and it has been there ever since. Who is our next generation, to wear our jewelry, and keep the flame?
Image: Diary by Alessandro Gottardo
There’s good news in California. The Ninth Circuit Court ruled today that Prop. 8, the state’s ban on same-sex marriage, is unconstitutional. Experts say this will likely send the case to the Supreme Court. And hopefully sometime in the near future, all my gay friends can legally marry, and I’ll be invited to more weddings. But seriously, I’m happy for them. In other marriage news, The Atlantic published a piece filled with statistics, to determine whether the hetero institution is crumbling. It seems that opposite sex marriage is alive and well, too. But seriously, I’m happy for them.
Image: Love Hurts by Ruel Pascual