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filed in Sex and Dating

OK Cupid. Game On.

And then, I came across these (actual) screen names. Give me strength.

danthemancan (shirtless in photo)
bimbo11 (shirtless in photo)

and my favorite –


Illustration by Gemma Correll


25 comments for “OK Cupid. Game On.”

  1. wendy says:

    Sigh. I guess so.

  2. Kit says:

    Ha! Thinking of a good user name is so hard, but they do tell you so much about the person! Have had some real doozies. But I hate when you click on the profile and the irst line is: ‘hello ladies’. Gag

  3. wendy says:

    Gag. For sure. And I’m still amazed by profile pictures of men wearing a hat.

  4. mary c. says:

    glad to see you’ve joined us on okcupid, wendy. of all the dating sites, okc is probably the best of the bunch, though that’s not saying much. i’m ready to hear what other intelligent women have to say for it.

  5. wendy says:

    Keep me posted about your experience, Mary.

  6. bitterbabe says:

    Mary C.–
    I like that OKC is free, and I’ve seen men I know on there, so perhaps it is no worse than what I encounter in my regular life. I’m in my early forties though and my biggest complaint about OKC is that it skews young. Still a decent number of mid-forties men on there, but that demographic, sadly, doesn’t seem interested in a woman near their own age. Closer to 50 there are very few men on there. I get a lot of non-responders as well.

  7. stacey says:

    I’ve seen a few screen names that have caused me to shake my head, too:

    aliveandwell4u (I guess he’s dead for everyone else…)
    oompalicious (profile states he’s 6′ tall, but he looks much shorter in his pictures)
    bacchus866 (His profile states that he likes bold red wines and bourbon)
    lostandalone5371 (that just makes me sad)
    mcnasty64 (I don’t even want to know that means)

    and my personal favorite:

    JohnWayneinabox (I’m just curious about the thought process that goes into a screen name like that, lol. No, I haven’t contacted him to ask…wouldn’t want him to mistake it for actual interest in him…)

  8. wendy says:

    These are SO funny. Treadingwater? Really? What was he thinking? I don’t mind Bacchus866. At least it’s a little literary.

  9. stacey says:

    “Bacchus866” is a little bit literary, but I see that and I think “drinking problem”.

  10. Beauregard says:

    Everyone on dating sites lies. Women lie about important things like age, body size and height (they use height with heels).
    Men lie about trivia such as marriage and job status, criminal record and bankruptcies.

  11. wendy says:

    It would be far less complicated if everyone told the truth from the start.

  12. v65 says:

    But Wendy, where’s the fun in honesty? I kid, I kid! 🙂

    My favorite so far is “AuthenticSmrtFun” who said he’s 44 and I google-busted him as being 51. He justified his lie by saying he had an affair with a much younger woman when he was married, so he must still be attractive to (and deserve) younger women.

    Most guys I’ve met, though, are just normal people putting themselves out there, warts and all, for the same reasons and with same fear/hope that I am, no disrespect to them at all. Good luck!

  13. wendy says:

    The google bust. I love it.

    Sounds like you’re appropriately forgiving of the human condition. Thanks for the inspiration.

  14. JoDa says:

    As I said in the earlier post, I was thinking of jumping back in the game…and I lasted all of 3 weeks. I made it permanent this time, though, and officially deleted my profile when I quit. Nothing had changed, the guys who contacted me had nothing in common with me and seemed to, I guess, be playing a numbers game, just messaging everyone and seeing if something stuck. The few guys who contacted me who I thought were okay based on their profile confined themselves to one-line messages, even for a reply…uh, I’m not going to beg to have a conversation with you. The one date I went on fell completely flat. It’s not worth my time, I have plenty of male companionship with my friends, and my dog keeps me company the rest of the time (I have very few girlfriends…I’m not very girly and find most women kinda bitchy and shallow).

    But one of my friends invited me to join another softball league this spring. That’s a 70/30 male-female ratio right there. I’m also joining a “baseball watch group” for us hopeless souls without cable who just want to drink beer and watch our teams in good company. That should also be man-heavy. Hope spring eternal.

  15. wendy says:

    I like your spirit. Hope is good. Hope is important. Keep us posted.

  16. Dienna says:

    “oompalicious (profile states he’s 6′ tall, but he looks much shorter in his pictures)”

    Of course he’s 6′ tall…when he wears his platform shoes and stands on a pedestal, he is!

    I don’t know why people lie about who they are on the Internet. The truth will be found out soon enough!

  17. wendy says:

    If people can only meet us, we’ll prove that we’re worth it. Right?

  18. Karen says:

    Someone forwarded me this article, and I found it depressing and comforting all at the same time. http://thechart.blogs.cnn.com/2012/01/26/dating-and-the-challenge-of-too-many-choices/

    I’m trying out the tactic of being really specific about what I want and sitting tight until that shows up. So why does it still feel kind of crappy? Ugh.

    • wendy says:

      In my case, it hasn’t been too many choices. (That article seems like another version of “you’re too picky.” I’m confident that I would recognize the right man, if he came along. So far, he hasn’t.

  19. sarahjeanne says:

    I’ve been wandering around OkC for a bit. The last guy seemed awesome, but then threatened (pulled a knife on!) my neighbors as he was leaving my place one night.

    Trouble is, he was otherwise pretty neat.

    Feeling unsure about my instincts, now.

    • wendy says:

      I hate when the good ones turn out to be crazy. Been there. Sometimes, it’s really hard to predict what’s lurking in the shadows.

  20. mary c. says:

    manallover Sirbonealot forevercute

    and my favorite: whatamidoinghere

    Yes, I ask myself that, too, about Okcupid. And I confess: I lie about my age. I’m in my fifties and I shaved 5 years. I didn’t mind turning 40, but 50 was tough. Bitterbabe, I see more 50’s men on Okc now than 2 years ago, but yes, it skews young. I get 25 yr. olds looking for that cougar experience.
    I wish I didn’t feel like my age gets in the way of finding happiness.

  21. Annie says:

    Just for fun: would you ever consider having a contest where readers submit their “Must be seen to be believed” letters rcvd. from men on OKC?

    It would be so hilarious and I could get the party started with at least 10 right out the gate!

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