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Get Wild: A Contest!

I haven’t done a book giveaway in awhile, but now I’m inspired by Wild, a great memoir by Cheryl Strayed, about her solo journey on the Pacific Crest Trail. You will want this in your collection.

It got me to thinking about the rewards of getting out of your comfort zone. Here’s the CONTEST: Tell us one thing you’ll do in April to make you uncomfortable. It doesn’t need to be physically brave. It can be as simple as trying something new from your favorite take-out place, calling a friend you haven’t seen for awhile, running an extra mile, or, finally getting back on a dating site. (That last one is me, talking to me.) Submit your entry using the Comments section. Include your first name. (If you win, we’ll need a U.S. shipping address and contact info.) Enter as often as you like. Deadline: April 13, 2012.


54 comments for “Get Wild: A Contest!”

  1. Beth says:

    I am moving into a place of my own for the first time. No family, no roommates! While I am looking forward to it, I have a feeling that there will definitely be plenty of times where I’ll be out of my comfort zone with that! (Like waiting for the cable company to install by myself…something I’ve never done and I’m anxious over it….isn’t that silly.)

  2. wendy says:

    I totally get it, and can talk you through it. Every step of the way. (I got my ceiling fan fixed today, and I feel so accomplished.) We will figure this out together!

  3. Kathy says:

    I’m looking into selling my place, hoping to find another that feels a bit more like home that’s affordable. First time dealing with agents, brokers, etc by myself and it’s scary. (I’m not in the US, so I can’t enter, just wanted to contribute).

    To Beth: Good luck to you. Remember what George Carlin said: “Always do whatever’s next.”

  4. wendy says:

    I had no idea of what I was doing when I bought my place. So I put together a small “kitchen cabinet” of friends who had bought and sold their homes, to advise me. And then in the end, I trusted my gut.

  5. Stacy says:

    I just signed up for OurTime.com, a dating site I just heard about. I have not been on one for awhile and never had any luck. So I’m not comfortable about it, but I will add a picture to it tonight. I like to see pictures of the guys, so I need to reciprocate.

  6. wendy says:

    Good job. Let us know, after you’ve added the picture, ok?!

  7. Jody says:

    On Thursday, I’m meeting a man from a dating site. I haven’t done this in over three years and I’m very uncomfortable about it. However, I’ve vowed to go outside of my comfort zone, face everything and avoid nothing. Don’t wish me good luck. Wish me equanimity.

  8. wendy says:

    Go in peace. And if you feel like it, give us a report back.

  9. sarahjeanne says:

    I just stared at this for several minutes trying to think of something, and I’m actually a little impressed that since my last breakup I’ve been doing all the scary things! Internet dating (oh, the horror stories…but you’ve just got to laugh at them), and circus school! I think if anything my focus might be to stop manipulating my life and let things happen. TERRIFYING.

  10. wendy says:

    Circus school?

  11. sarahjeanne says:

    Yes! I’m taking an aerial class! It is, hands down, the most awesome thing i’ve ever done: http://thedaka.com/

  12. Rebecca says:

    After ten years of teaching for the same principal at two different urban schools, I’m putting myself back in the market. I’m hoping to find a teaching position that will allow me to love me job again. The constant demands and endless needs of the school I’m at have nearly been my undoing. I need a change of schools/careers/scenery to ensure that I survive, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.

    What I’m finding as I prepare my resume, cover letters, and applications is that it’s a lot like online dating– I send myself out into the void, hoping against all hope that someone will like me enough to take a chance on making me a part of their daily lives (at school). Wish me luck. *gulp*

    • wendy says:

      That’s brave and a great instinct. In my experience, it’s so important to have stamina for the search. Don’t get discouraged. We can cheer you on!

  13. Leslie says:

    I’m going to go to a ballroom social dance. I’ve been taking classes for 4 years, but have not worked up the nerve to go to a dance, because no one will be forced to dance with me. I fear being the wallflower. But it’s really hard to find a dance partner when I don’t go to venues with dancing. All the men in my classes are either married or 20 years older than me.

  14. Jen says:

    You are all very courageous. I am feeling so not brave right now. For instance, I don’t want to go to the drug store to buy razors because I haven’t showered today, but I don’t want to get in the shower because I don’t have razors. So I’m just eating animal crackers and fretting.

  15. Janet says:

    Wendy – you inspired me to return to ballet class and I’m so happy I did.

  16. Janet says:

    I forgot to mention, I’m 57!

  17. wendy says:

    I’m not saying it has to be today. End of month is still more than 3 weeks away. Anyway, just think about it.

  18. Beth says:

    I love how dancing is mentioned twice! I’m partial to it since I’m a dance teacher, but I absolutely love to hear about people continuing to dance through adulthood. Good luck to Janet and Leslie!

  19. Sara says:

    For a while now, the phrase “Embrace Discomfort” has been tumbling around in my head. I now realize that I have been absolutely terrified of discomfort and have done anything and everything to avoid it. But, discomfort is a fact of any life that is moving forward, and I want my life to move forward. So, I’m leaning into the discomfort, trying to embrace it as a sign that I’m growing. I’m back in therapy and am finally working on talking about the really hard stuff. My next appointment is on Thursday and I’m going to rip off the bandaid- it’s going to be VERY uncomfortable. But I need to do it. I will do it.

  20. mary c. says:

    I will force myself to sing with a group. All my life, I’ve dreamed of singing. I’ve dreamed I was in a rock band. I dreamed it. Now it’s time to find a group (choir? any suggestions?).

  21. wendy says:

    I’m sure that will be satisfying.

  22. Kathryn says:

    It won’t be the winner, but for the first April in three years, I am not going to freak out about my birthday and getting older. And when I return from overseas, I will tackle the dating scene…But that’s not till next year!

  23. Kristin says:

    We had a tragic situation occur with my mother that changed my priorities at the end of 2009. As a result, I left a very good job at the local electric utility 2 years ago. I had worked there for 10 years. Since then, I have been taking prerequisites (anatomy and physiology, microbiology, statistics, pathophysiology, to name a few) for nursing school. I was accepted last December to an accelerated BSN in PA. I am getting ready to move from FL to PA to start school in May. I am 46.5 (tomorrow) and am excited for my new career.

    It was no longer good enough to make a bunch of money for me…never marrried, no kids. I decided that there was something different that I could be doing that would benefit more than myself just as the nurses that cared for my mother did for us. And so, this month I prepare for this big change and embace it….although I periodically freak out…about the move…one day at a time will get me there.

    Luckily, having never been married…I am used to doing many, many things by myself. I have always forced myself to go because the alternative is not to do them and that would make me mad. Concerts, plays, movies all kinds of really awkward activities, but I am always thankful I did it when it is all over. I encourage anyone to do the things you want even if you go alone; it is bettert than not going at all. Cheers.

  24. wendy says:

    I can’t imagine a profession much more important than caring for the sick. It’s so moving that you’re doing this. And bravo for having the vision and going for it!

  25. Hannah says:

    This April, I’m committed to being joyful and content in my single-ness. As an introvert, sometimes I long for that one person to rely on, in whose friendship I would be assured. So, this April, I’m going to do something that is very uncomfortable for myself: make myself vulnerable by reaching out to female friends so I can find human intimacy in friendship. It’s hard for me to initiate friendship, but I’m committed. Onward to social skills!

  26. Stacy says:

    I did add a picture to my page in Our Time, then I deleted it and added another one. A more recent one. Now I want to change it again, I don’t have a lot of pictures of just me, pictures I like anyway. So this on-line dating is uncomfortable for me.

  27. Amy says:

    I’ve started hiking by myself. I was worried it was a foolhardy thing to do alone, but so far so good! For now, I’m sticking to fairly popular trails, but I did a six mile hike last weekend and a three mile hike this week.

    • wendy says:

      I’m just an urban hiker, so I really admire people who get there out there on the trails. Stay hydrated.

  28. @sarahspy says:

    I’m planning an event (on behalf of my literary website http://sarahspy.com/post/20534507842/nyc-you-are-invited-to-celebrate-storychord-coms) where i’ll have to do hosting duties, particularly talking into a microphone on staaaaggge…. and i hate public speaking. nevermind the nervousness, i just don’t LIKE it! but i think it’ll be worth it to put myself out there, as i’m really excited about this event… which just happens to be at the same venue where cheryl held her nyc book party 🙂

    • wendy says:

      I wish I could be there. Here’s what I’ve learned about public speaking. Speak slower than you think and make eye contact. Have fun! Let us know how it goes.

  29. Kate says:

    Hello- I’m reading Wild now! I’ve always wanted to hike the entire appalachian trail. I don’t think i would have leaped into the hike the way she did…very brave.
    I’m joining a workshop this spring for a nutritional cleanse. This is me facing my food issues and sharing them with strangers (well,not all will be strangers). I’ve got nothing to lose!

  30. wendy says:

    Thanks, Kate. It seems that bravery is in relationship to our fears.

  31. Kristin says:

    Telling the new guy the expectations I have for our relationship. Ain’t gonna be a doormat no more!

  32. Lauren says:

    I sent a resume for a job in my company in Los Angeles. I’ve been in DC for nine years now, even though I only planned to stay for three, and I’ve just been spinning my wheels. I finally realized that the only reason I’m staying is because it’s easier to do that than to move on and see what else is out there, so I’m seizing the opportunity. I just hope that if the job works out, I can find a good ballet studio in LA. That’s the one thing DC has going for it!

    • wendy says:

      It took me a few years to get the hang of L.A., but now I can’t imagine living anywhere else. The weather is spectacular! There are a few really good ballet studios here, with first-rate teachers. Keep us posted. Good luck!

  33. Dienna says:

    Lauren, your post hit a nerve with me, because I’m in a similar situation, living in a place where it wasn’t my intention to live for many years past my comfort. My goal is to plan to move out in two years. Where, I don’t know, but hopefully I’ll have an idea closer to then.

    I’ve had great experiences where I am, but I’ve also had negative experiences and feel that this place just doesn’t work with me. People tell me that “it’s not the place, it’s you,” but I’d rather figure out the answer to that myself.

  34. Dienna says:

    I’m taking a painting class in a few weeks (as long as I get that supply list a week prior to its start, and as long as the class isn’t cancelled, then I’m good to go). I had rough experiences in art classes as a kid, and tried this painting class which is more of a social event (it’s a bring-your-own-bottle place) and learning by rote, but I really would like to learn how to paint for real. Hopefully the teacher doesn’t yell at me for using too much paint like they did when I was a kid! 😉

  35. wendy says:

    I’m glad you’re doing this, Dienna. It sounds like fun.

  36. Laur says:

    TO: Student Nurse Kristin
    From: Student Nurse Laur

    Congrats on a great decision! I am a 30something who gave a long time career to pursue the nursing gig and I have loved my choice everyday. It will not be easy but it WILL be fabulous.

    And as for my Uncomfortable Goal, next week I am turning in my registration papers to prepare myself to take the LPN exam in the summer. I wasn’t going to go for my LPN (I’m currently in an RN program) , but some opportunities have presented themselves and I have a chance to work at a hospice facility in a leadership role. Leading a staff women who have worked at the facility for years. (uncomfortable? oh very much so!) I am not giving up my RN path, that is the ultimate goal, but along the way I thought I would try something that wasn’t part of my original plan.

    • wendy says:

      Hospice is so incredible. Laur, thanks for pursuing such noble work, and for going outside your comfort zone.

  37. Karen says:

    I’ve had a lifelong dream of spending an entire summer in France. I still can’t quite swing the WHOLE summer, financially, but thought I’d give it my best shot this year since I turned 40 and am in that “bucket list” kind of mood. A few months ago, I booked my airfare for a 7-week stay and started to plot out the trip itself, trying to stick to airbnb, couch surfing, and a bit of a pilgrimage trail, where gites and hostels should be in great supply.

    Two weeks ago, I had to have a root canal, and am going in next week to have the crown put on. My insurance MIGHT cover 50% of the cost, but I won’t know until the bills from the dentists go in for review.

    The uncomfortable part (other than the dental work)?? NOT canceling my trip. Trusting that it will work out, and that it’s okay for me to follow through on something that’s been a lifelong dream. Trusting that one tooth’s worth of dental work will not completely sabotage my summer, strip my savings and leave me with nothing.

    Boy, is that uncomfortable.

  38. wendy says:

    First of all. Sorry about the root canal. I’ve been there, and it’s a pain. Especially the bills.

    I really hope you get to go on your trip. It’s not that I want to advise financial irresponsibility. But I’m sure a summer in France will be life changing in the best of ways. And I bet the dentist will accept a payment plan.

  39. Ehm says:

    Another entry for dating-related discomfort… I’m seeing two men (a first!), and the juggling is both disconcerting and fun.

    Also: I need to reply to a difficult letter from my sister. I’ve been putting it off for a while, but am DETERMINED to deal with this uncomfortable task in April.

  40. wendy says:

    First one sounds good and fun!

    Family stuff is fraught. But important to get straightened out. I wish you strength, courage and to be kind to yourself.

  41. Lauren W says:

    I’m letting go of my apartment and much of my belongings before I move to start my internship out in a remote part of New Mexico. It’s uncomfortable but I believe it’s going to be liberating. My packing mantra is “It’s just stuff.” I’m donating some things and I like to think of someone else getting as much enjoyment from them as I have.

  42. stacey says:

    I’ve often thought about trying it, but I finally signed up to actually do it: I’m volunteering for Habitat for Humanity. I can feel sorry for my singleness all day long, but taking that time to do something constructive for someone else will be a much better use of my time. I’m scheduled to help build a house on April 28th. Yay me! 🙂

  43. wendy says:

    Incredibly cool. Please, please, I want to hear how it goes.

  44. Kim says:

    I know it’s past deadline however … I told my ex husband that still love him even though I knew his response was going to be cold and phony. The Power of Vulnerability inspired me.

  45. Kristin says:

    Hello. I am wondering who the lucky winner of the book was? Can you share? There were some good out of one’s comfort zone events.

  46. wendy says:

    Thanks for asking, Kristin. I’d posted the winners last Wednesday – Lauren and Rebecca. Here’s the link:

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