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filed in Daily Life

What Helps You Keep Your Footing?

I had envisioned a poll for this post. But I had too many answers: friends, family, work, exercise, spiritual practice, pets, therapist and of course, shoes. What am I leaving out?

Illustration by Franco Matticchio


15 comments for “What Helps You Keep Your Footing?”

  1. v65 says:

    Daydreaming about the future. It reminds me why I do what I do.

  2. Girlcott says:


  3. wendy says:

    Daydreaming… That’s wonderful.

    Tonight I went to a talk with Gail Collins, who writes a column for the NY times. What keeps her afloat, she said, were all the amazing people in the U.S. I like that!

  4. Noelle says:


  5. ElfinKate says:

    Sarcasm, humour – healthy disdain for people who aren’t me or my friends. Also, cake.

  6. Winegoddesstx says:

    Wine, of course….followed by Bourbon.

  7. SM says:

    Reading my old journals.

  8. mary c. says:

    My life affirmations, read each morning when I wake, and each evening before I sleep. It’s training of the brain.

  9. SM says:

    My journals are like friendly reminders of what is really important. They bring me back to who I really am, something that can get easily lost sometimes in this messy world. When I read the old perspectives I had on life, they are like old friends who know me well.

  10. lauren says:

    Riding horses! It gets me with animals, exercising, and outside, all in one.

  11. wendy says:

    A trifecta!

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