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filed in Daily Life

Relaxing with a Cocktail and My Pet

Except for the part about manipulating one’s pet to do tricks for the camera (which I’ve only rarely done), this comic captures my favorite kind of evening. Can you relate?

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Image by Andy Pandy



12 comments for “Relaxing with a Cocktail and My Pet”

  1. Rebecca says:

    Holy cow (cat?), this is so me, just without the pet. I just get sucked into whatever I’ve been tinkering with on my blog or I’ll look something up, and then remember to look something else up, and the next thing I know, it’s five hours later.

  2. wendy says:

    And do you take photos to share?

  3. Winegoddesstx says:

    This is so me! Or, at least it was me. I find myself completely without pets for the first time since 1988. Since the passing of my big sweet Lucas last month, I now come home to an empty house. I’m trying to hold off on getting a new dog until at least November due to my travel schedule, but I really miss that unconditional love and companionship.

  4. wendy says:

    I am so sorry to hear about Lucas. (I dread that day.) Do you think you can hold out till November?

  5. Kathy says:

    Wendy, thanks for the reminder of those favourite evenings (I am also pet-less now), and reminder of how it’s more rewarding to pay attention to the living, breathing presence (pet or human) that’s with you, instead of getting sucked into the technology vortex. Like Winegoddess, I miss the companionship, but am trying to appreciate the freedom.

  6. wendy says:

    I have to admit, I’m pretty hooked on technology, but there’s nothing like hugging someone with a heartbeat.

  7. Jalina says:

    I try to get the cats to hold their poses while I grab the camera. They usually do not cooperate and I get pictures of cat butt.

    I lost my first cat in February 2011 (on Valentine’s Day of all days) and I only lasted two weeks before I adopted Shadow and Sasha.

    They make sure I don’t get sucked too far into the techno vortex…Shadow brings me toys to play with and Sasha will sit on the computer if need be.

  8. Laur says:

    *sigh* Yes, unfortunately I can relate! And my Twitter account is actually named after my cat.

    And I’m one of those weirdos who takes pictures of dinners they have made. I guess it makes me feel not so alone when having dinner by myself. (Not all the time, but I have my moments!)

  9. Richard says:

    My cats — maybe with one exception — would have knocked over the darn drink with a headbutt.

  10. wendy says:

    I’m glad to hear your cats have boundaries.

  11. Annie says:

    Oh, this is so fantastic (she says sipping her wine while the cat makes biscuits on her lap and she works around on the laptop). I have a whole series of pics called “Failed Attempts at Pet Portraiture” which are far better than if kit had been co-operating. 🙂

  12. Courtney says:

    Isn’t it ironic, how far we go to show online that we lead interesting lives? Sometimes I’d rather take that cocktail from arcticchill.com.au and actually enjoy it, instead of just uploading a picture of it online. Love the comic!

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