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filed in Daily Life

How to Keep Hope from Evaporating

Ritual, affirmations, prayer, phone support, hugs from loved ones, therapy, mashed potatoes, not giving up on whatever  you’re hoping for. Practice.

What’s your strategy?

Painting by Karin Kneffel


8 comments for “How to Keep Hope from Evaporating”

  1. Petra says:

    A long walk.

    • wendy says:

      One of the reasons I love having to dog. She gets me on a long walk at least once a day. I find it really helps me sort through things.

  2. Janet says:

    Something(s) to look forward to. I agree physical activity also cures what ails you!

    • wendy says:

      During a rough patch a few years ago, a therapist asked me, “do you have something you’re looking forward to.” Good advice.

  3. Juliet says:

    Walking and watercolor painting. Walking has always worked like an antidepressant for me, and painting is an amazing healthy escape.

    • wendy says:

      Most of the time, walking really works for me, too. Although every now and then on a walk I realize I’ve been processing in my head the whole time, barely looking up.

  4. Kathy says:

    Talking with supportive friends. Making plans for something that I can look forward to. Physical activity is a way for me to kickstart positive energy.

  5. wendy says:

    Exercise is my number one coping tool.

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