This morning, I testified at a City Council meeting in support of a program that will benefit the economically vulnerable in Los Angeles. I did this at the request of the Mayor’s office, and it was an inspiring example of government at its finest, and what can happen when motivated people come together to affect positive change.
We are 3 weeks away from the election. For any cynics out there who don’t believe one citizen can make a difference, I’m here to tell you otherwise. Learn about the issues that impact your community. Phone bank. Be involved. Yes!
Artwork by Ted McGrath
I am involved in a local fight against a big-box developer who wants to plunk a huge and hugely inappropriate apartment ‘community’ into the center of our small town, and right in my neighborhood of small houses. At first it seemed like a David and Goliath scenario, but our protest is gaining traction and it is really exciting to see that, as an individual, you can make a difference against the corporate behemoth. It’s not over yet, but I am hopeful.
It’s great you’re doing this, Robin. Continue to persevere. What I’ve learned in these kind of battles is the importance of building a coalition of allies, to share the workload (and frustration) and most importantly, to show strength.