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filed in What Gets Me Through the Day

A Moment of Gratitude

Still basking in the post-election glow.

Illustration by Lisa Congdon



5 comments for “A Moment of Gratitude”

  1. Stacy says:

    What a relief! And we got some good senators too.

  2. wendy says:

    With Tammy Baldwin, Elizabeth Warren, Mazie Hirono and Heidi Heitkamp, there will be 20 women in the Senate. That’s good for democracy!

  3. Petra says:

    And–Indiana resident here–we staved off the possible election of a Tea Party nutjob with some very backwards views on rape and pregnancy.

  4. wendy says:

    I am so proud of Indiana. Well done!!

  5. Jalina says:

    Virginia went blue, but we are still a pretty purple state overall. It’s amazing to see 20 women in the Senate. Would love to see half of the Senate made up of women one of these days! Proud of my home state of Wisconsin too for electing Tammy Baldwin. I did not watch the returns come in. I instead turned on Ken Burns’s Civil War documentary of all things and then went to bed. I woke up at 2am and finally gave in to see the election results…and breathed a sigh of relief. The American people have spoken…now it’s time to get down to brass tacks and get some hard work done. Tough choices are to be made…we’re all in this together.

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