My theory on dining is that presentation counts for a lot, and equally so, whether it’s takeout at home alone, or a slow-cooked feast for friends. Plastic forks and spoons are not in my playbook. How about you?
Photograph by Antonia Basler
This past weekend, I flew to San Francisco where I stayed with dear friends in their sleek downtown apartment and slept on the couch. Ordinarily I’d pass on this sleeping arrangement, but I wanted to spend quality time with these friends who are really like family, in the best of ways. I had a wonderful time, ate delicious food, took in gorgeous Bay Area vistas, and still, it was a pleasure to return home to warmer temperatures, a spacious queen size bed, my own bathroom and the dog.
Artwork by Javier Jaén Benavides
When I’m starting to spin with anxiety about something that hasn’t happened yet, my close friend who is a psychotherapist, tells me, “don’t worry twice.” Keep this phrase handy. It really works. I’m about to embark on my weekly 24 hour no worry zone. I wish the same for you. Happy weekend!
Artwork by Martin Creed
I’ve been thinking about this Kafka quote all day. Do you agree with it?
Image via this isn’t happiness.
On the plane ride home from D.C. last month, there was an attractive married couple in front of me with a 9-week-old puppy stowed underneath the seat. Mid flight, the woman took the puppy out of its crate (illegally), and cradled him in a blanket in her arms. It was an adorable scene. The wife told me that she hoped her young daughter wouldn’t get jealous of the dog, which she was bringing back to Malibu for the first time. These people were smitten with their new Saint Bernard puppy, who will be 130 pounds when fully grown. Sometimes I wonder if I’m so in love with my dog because I’m single. But here were wedded people with children, who had a serious canine crush of their own.
Illustration by Marc Johns
It has been a perfect Southern California winter’s day. The sky was bright blue and the temperature hovered near 70 degrees. After 20 years of living in a foggy San Francisco, I don’t take this kind of weather for granted. This is all to say that I was in a grateful mood, despite its being February 14. In the elevator on the way back from an invigorating walk with my dog, the condo’s maintenance man, Rafael, wished me a Happy Valentines Day. That was sweet, I thought, and thanked him.
But then, he continued:
Rafael: Are you going to be with your family tonight?
Me: No.
Rafael: What? (his voice rising) Don’t you have any family?
Mercifully, the elevator door opened, and as I disappeared into the hallway, I said, “I’ll be with my dog tonight. She’s family.”
Illustration by Marie-Helene Jeeves