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End of Week Affirmation

Calvin & Hobbes

Wishing you a weekend free of self-recrimination!

Calvin & Hobbes

Tax Season

this is indexedToday, I emailed my accountant, and told him to expect my paperwork by Monday. I’m feeling pressure at the base of my neck. I better get on it. Where are you in this continuum?

Illustration by Jessica Hagy

Ancient Wisdom?

ancients.Beth Hoeckel

On this day of ancient pageantry for the new Pope, I’m wondering if it reaches you.

Ancients by Beth Hoeckel


In Honor of Mom

Javier Jaen Benavides.Call your motherToday is the anniversary of my mother’s death. I’ll light a memorial candle that will flicker for 24 hours, and go to services to say the Kaddish, the Jewish prayer of mourning. We’re only allowed to say this prayer in a gathering of at least 10 adults, also known as a minyan, which is a wonderful idea, really, that guarantees we’ll be surrounded by community at a difficult time. I love saying the Kaddish. It’s got a primal cadence to it that comforts me. I watched my parents and grandparents light these candles and say these prayers, and when I do these things, I feel connected to them. This is ritual at its best, providing a mooring for grief and remembrance. My mother always wanted me to call her more often. For the next 24 hours, we’ll be chatting.

Artwork by Javier Jaén Benavides

Truth Telling

Disclaimer.Grant SniderComic by Grant Snider

Let Go. It’s the Weekend.

Don't Fight ItImage from Magnificent Ruin

Have You Taken a Risk Today?

 Brian Rea


Artwork by Brian Rea

Yesterday Will Be Better

Anatol Knotek.Yesteday Will Be Better18 months ago, one of my closest friends disappeared from my life. With barely any warning or explanation, someone who I’d spoken to almost every day for years, suddenly withdrew. I fervently tried to get in touch, but he didn’t respond. It was unbelievably painful. We’d had great fun during our 15-year friendship, travelling to Europe and Asia together many times, spending holiday weekends at each other’s homes. We’d shared so many experiences. It wrenched my heart, almost like a death. For that first year, I don’t think a day went by that I didn’t think about him. But just today, I realized it doesn’t hurt anymore.

Art by Anatol Knotek

Feminine Mystique

The Girl Test.Emily McDowellIllustration by Emily McDowell

Slim Pickings on Match.com

Sarah Illenberger.Instant Rainbow
Today is the 3-month anniversary of my experiment on Match.com. I’d marked the date in red capital letters on the calendar, so I wouldn’t forget to cancel my subscription. I signed up as a preemptive New Year’s resolution, and as most of you predicted, it was a bust. But I did get a lunch date out of it that was so bizarre as to be worth the price of admission, because of how many times I’ve enjoyed telling the colorful story. (I’ve not posted the details here because he’d know it was him, and it seems tacky.) Sometimes, a good anecdote is all you get. And sometimes, that’s enough.

Food art by Sarah Illenberger