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Brrr. It’s Autumn

Charlie BrownPerfectly timed a few days ago, the weather in Los Angeles changed. The temperature still hovered in the seventies, but fall was definitely in the air. In preparation, I pulled out my Uggs, which is proof that I’ve become a wimpy Angeleno. This afternoon I got a reprieve. it was 88 degrees.


8 comments for “Brrr. It’s Autumn”

  1. Beth O'Donnell says:

    I love the cold weather. Winter would be perfect if the sun set after 6:00 every day.

    Don’t Angelinos wear Uggs all year round?

    • wendy says:

      When I used to visit L.A. before moving here, I’d see people wearing Uggs in 65 degree weather and scoff. Now, I totally get it. But even L.A. Uggs wearers have their limits. The heat of summertime is mostly reserved for flip-flops.

  2. Lola says:

    Fall has definitely fallen in DC! I love this time of year, and for some reason it always makes me nostalgic.

  3. Len says:

    We had that book when I was a kid in the ’70s (Schulz was brilliant).

    Speaking as a guy, I find Uggs to be very aptly named. I’m guessing their only appeal is comfort? (But then, I only wear sneakers and hiking shoes, so I probably shouldn’t talk. LOL)

    The leaves have started changing already in the northeast, a week or two early.

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