Perfectly timed a few days ago, the weather in Los Angeles changed. The temperature still hovered in the seventies, but fall was definitely in the air. In preparation, I pulled out my Uggs, which is proof that I’ve become a wimpy Angeleno. This afternoon I got a reprieve. it was 88 degrees.
I love the cold weather. Winter would be perfect if the sun set after 6:00 every day.
Don’t Angelinos wear Uggs all year round?
When I used to visit L.A. before moving here, I’d see people wearing Uggs in 65 degree weather and scoff. Now, I totally get it. But even L.A. Uggs wearers have their limits. The heat of summertime is mostly reserved for flip-flops.
Fall has definitely fallen in DC! I love this time of year, and for some reason it always makes me nostalgic.
Have the leaves starting changing colors yet?
It’s been so dry, I’m not sure we’re going to get much color here. Some trees in my neighborhood have gone brown and started dropping leaves, but no hints of color. Regardless, I, too, love this weather. Bring on the sweaters!
Scarves, too.
We had that book when I was a kid in the ’70s (Schulz was brilliant).
Speaking as a guy, I find Uggs to be very aptly named. I’m guessing their only appeal is comfort? (But then, I only wear sneakers and hiking shoes, so I probably shouldn’t talk. LOL)
The leaves have started changing already in the northeast, a week or two early.
They’re so ubiquitous in L.A, I now find them endearing. And cozy.