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filed in Sex and Dating

Rating Dating

What's a Good Date

This is an excerpt from a 1960 book, Marriage and Family Living, flagged on the site, Awful Library Books. I like the checklist.


6 comments for “Rating Dating”

  1. Anna says:

    This list stood the test of time pretty well. I especially like “can say no without being offensive.”

  2. Meghan says:

    Yeah, I like the list too. “Spends time telling about good times had on other dates” reminded me of a date where a man told me that he liked me b/c I had the same name as his ex-girlfriend (!) “Dresses suitably for the occasion”….I don’t like it when men show up for a date in sneakers or sandals and we’re not jogging nor going to the beach!

  3. Stacey says:

    Even though we’re no longer togehter, I’m really good friends with my last boyfriend, so I took the opportunity to ask about a couple of the things on this list where he “failed”.

    I asked him once about #4, especially since he doesn’t do that with his friends, and he told me that when we’d been dating, he wanted to make me think he was smart, because he sometimes didn’t feel very smart talking to me (he has nothing to worry about there – he’s very smart, and yet he still felt intimidated by me…it figures.)

    I guess my point is that there are a couple of these things where I’d be willing to give the guy a little benefit of doubt. But not all of them, and certainly I would consider some of them to be completely non-negotiable.

    • wendy says:

      Stacey, that’s a great point, especially during the first few dates. There are times when I’ve been nervous or trying too hard to impress, and wished afterwards that I’d said things differently.

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