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Shoe Lift

Axel Lieber

One of the most luxurious aspects of my apartment is the shoe closet. The occupants before me installed it, and I’m most grateful. In a funk (like today), I can look inside and view my footwear collection, filled with beautiful shapes, textures and colors (even if some of them pinch).

Leather sculpture (made for the feet of the artist) by Axel Lieber


What Would It Take?

Faber Modern Classics

I came of age in an era when tumbling into bed with the occasional stranger was not unusual or scorned. We were far from home, exploring the bounds of sexuality, and didn’t worry much about transmittable diseases. Ah, the simplicity of youth! These days, I’ve accumulated a laundry list of requirements and it would take a lot more than a few movies or a museum visit (like my last date) to win me over. Is that a sign of progress, or not?

The Days of Awe, 5775

The Jewish High Holidays start at sunset. I face this time of the year with trepidation. How deep do I want to go into spiritual reflection? What I like best is the chance to wipe the slate clean and begin anew. This period is also referred to as the Days of Awe and with that as inspiration. I’m posting this video of sheer awesomeness. I’m grateful to you all for another wonderful year of conversation, consolation and laughter.

For the next few days, I’m going to unplug. I’ll be back next week.





Geoff McFetridge.Meditallucination

Image by Geoff McFetridge. I adore his work.

As Good As It Gets

Akihiro Mizuuchi

Yesterday, I went with a friend to pick up his new BMW from the dealer. After the salesmen handed over the keys, he gave an extensive tour of the vehicle’s bells and whistles, including the hands-free trunk release, activated by moving your foot underneath the bumper, to the 3-second turn signal, which you lightly tap when changing lanes. It was a vicarious thrill. And, I was a little envious. To cheer up, I drove to my favorite food store in L.A., and bought the special ingredients for a chocolate-chocolate cookie recipe by the famed baker from Momofuku Milkbar in New York.

Chocolate lego by Akihiro Mizuuchi



End of Week Zen

Marion Deuchars

This is reassuring news. Have a great weekend!

Poster by Marion Deuchars


Fall Back

Autumn Leaves


What’s Your #1 Way Out of a Funk?

Marc Johns.Paper Crown

Mine: Giving the dog a belly rub.

Illustration by Marc Johns


Tipping the Scales

Magnificent Ruin

According to the theory of the hedonic treadmill, we have the tendency to return to our own baseline of happiness soon after major life events regardless if they’re joyous or heartbreaking. That’s why the fantasy of what it would be like to win the lottery doesn’t usually pan out. If we’re a pissed off person, we’ll find a way to be angry even then. Right now, on the Jewish calendar, it’s a week before the High Holidays and a time of spiritual excavation. With that in mind, I’m trying to edge myself up towards gratitude. Where do you hover?

Steiner-Rand Scale of Acceptance via magnificent ruin



The Importance of Hydration

Txaber For the last few days, according to my weather app, Los Angeles has been in an “excessive heat warning.” At 8 PM, it’s 90 degrees, and my dog, who is used to a more temperate climate, is boycotting her walks. In the interest of hydration, we’re both drinking a lot of liquids.

Pantone-inspired beer packaging