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Did You Watch the Superbowl?

Salvador Dali


Salvador Dali 1965


4 comments for “Did You Watch the Superbowl?”

  1. Petra says:

    Last year, I made the decision to stop watching the Super Bowl. I’d watched it previously for the commercials and occasionally to root for a team. But the increasing evidence of football’s role in brain injuries and CTE, coupled with the NFL’s efforts to sweep all evidence under the proverbial rug (and actively discount scientific evidence, because it interferes with their profit margin) meant that I, personally, could no longer watch with a clear conscience. Dave Duerson, a former NFL player from the town where I now live, committed suicide and willed his brain to the study of CTE (and it was determined that he had suffered from it). Then the research showing that kids who play football and suffer concussions as youngsters suffer long-term consequences just made my decision to forgo the Super Bowl this year much easier. Add to that the whole domestic violence and child abuse issues and I became very comfortable without a Super Sunday to celebrate. Okay, the commercials are all over the Internet, so I can watch them at my leisure. And I never particularly cared for football, so that isn’t a big sacrifice. But, because the NHL isn’t doing a whole lot to curb fighting in ice hockey, I also stopped following hockey (which I really DID enjoy and follow)–that is more of a sacrifice. I’m sure you have readers and members of the community who are football fans–perhaps even avid ones. This is not meant as a dis to them (or a way to assert any moral superiority on my part–trust me, I’m no more ethically superior than anyone else). But it’s a decision I can live with and it’s right for *me*.

    • wendy says:

      I completely understand your point of view, Petra. Given all the things you’ve cited, it’s amazing that the NFL is more profitable than ever. But I usually watch the game. It’s such a cultural juggernaut. And I want to be plugged in.

  2. Stacey says:

    I’m not a football fan. I was mildly aware of what teams were playing, but only because of Facebook (my sister’s a Patriots fan, and several of my friends from high school are Seahawks fans).

    I enjoyed Turner Classic Movie Channel’s kickoff of “31 Days of Oscar” instead.

    • wendy says:

      Sometimes, I go to see hugely successful “popcorn” movies, because I’m curious about cultural things that draw in so many people. The Superbowl is kind of like that for me.

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