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Here’s Another Study to Ignore

Mark Weaver

This latest study, as reported in the NY Times, makes the case that living alone can be bad for you. “Although living alone can offer conveniences and advantages for an individual,” the authors wrote, “physical health is not among them.” An article in USA Today referring to the study suggested to “partner up.”  Gotta go. I’m about to partner with my martini.

Art by Mark Weaver

Bystander at the L.A. Marathon

Marc Johns

At 8 AM yesterday morning, I walked to Sunset Boulevard at mile 13 to watch elite athletes zoom by during the L.A. marathon. As it turns out, the organizers had started the race 30 minutes earlier because of the sweltering heat here, so I missed the best of the best. But I was so moved by the rest of the runners, some of whom were walking by this point, while others hustled in wheel chairs, all possessed of such drive, focus and grit. It literally made me weep.

Illustration by Marc Johns

Repeat After Me

Lisa Congdon

Illustration by Lisa Congdon

Pin Ups

Victor Nunes


Faces by Victor Nunes

Upside of Single

San Pellegrino

#54: Drinking straight out of the bottle. I just went to the fridge, and reveled in taking a swig.

Diving Right In

Christoph Niemann

I dragged myself out of bed on Sunday morning to accompany friends with their toddler for his weekly swimming lesson. He was in a group with 4 other kids, ranging in age from a year to 18 months. I’d never seen such young children learning to swim before. They were amazing, all floating on their backs, jumping off mats into the water. There was no fear, just joy at the thrill of taking a risk. It was inspiring.

Illustration by Christoph Niemann

I Know You Want It

Apple Watch

I’m drooling over the Apple Watch. Despite the naysayers, I’m sure this will be another game changer, transforming the way we communicate and access information. And it looks beautiful. We’ll all be sporting wearables soon enough. Are you intrigued?

End of Week Zen

Jeppe Hein

Never forget.

Artwork (powder coated aluminium, neon tubes, two-way mirror) by Jeppe Hein

I Feel Your Pain

Ryan Serrano

A few weeks ago on Facebook, a friend who recently moved to San Francisco from Toronto posted a screen shot of his weather app when it was 70 degrees. I remember thinking that it was a novice move, too cruel for those in the midst of an historic winter. Yet I appreciated as a new Californian, his exuberant glee. Hang in there winter warriors. Spring is on the way.

Photo by Ryan Serrano

When was the last time you asked for a hand?

Peter Liversidge

Do it!

Art by Peter Liversidge