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Coloring Outside the Lines

Nanette Lepore [1]

Last week, I wrote about being invited to a dinner party where I was to be the 7th wheel [2]. On a balmy summer evening, the three couples and I sat around in the moonlight, enjoying the ambience, the food and each other’s company. At some point during dessert, the conversation came around to how 2 people there had relatives who were transgender, which led to a discussion about sexual preference, dating, marriage, and the hopes that their relatives would find partners. It was the perfect time for me to chime in. I shared my apprehension about being the only person at dinner who was single. I could tell it wasn’t something anyone had thought about. I stood up for the notion that one could go through life being single and happy. I did this, in part, because I sensed that all of you had my back. It was exhilarating.

Unmellow yellow dress by Nanette Lepore [1]