Illustration by Marc Johns
I’m really not feeling it. I’m having so many conflicts at work which make it hard to shine or stand out in a positive way. I’ve lost my trust in this organization and they’re lost their trust in me. I’m just coasting along at this point.
I’m so sorry to hear that, Leyla. Part of what I liked about this illustration was the permission NOT to shine when you’re not feeling it.
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FIRST PERSON SINGULAR is a guide to surviving, thriving and sometimes just getting through a single day. Created by Wendy Braitman (more…)
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I’m really not feeling it. I’m having so many conflicts at work which make it hard to shine or stand out in a positive way. I’ve lost my trust in this organization and they’re lost their trust in me. I’m just coasting along at this point.
I’m so sorry to hear that, Leyla. Part of what I liked about this illustration was the permission NOT to shine when you’re not feeling it.