In an unobstructed view, right near my desk, I’ve positioned a favorite photo of my parents. It was taken on my father’s 60th birthday, when they’d been married for more than 30 years. My mother’s arms are wrapped around Dad’s chest, and they’re beaming. They clearly love each other. My parents are both gone now, but in moments of peril, I brush my fingers across their smiling faces and ask them to watch out for me. And I think they do. Who’s your guardian angel?
Office Cat by Jean Jullien
My Uncle Thaddeus Jude died young in 1987 and my brother and I were very close to him (even though I was 7 at the time of his death) I wear a St. Jude Thaddeus medal everyday to work that my Mom had engraved for my brother and I that says “Be Brave and Strong”. When times get scary at the hospital I give the medal a squeeze and ask for a little extra help. This moment of zen keeps me focused and calm. I know that I have my Uncle Thad on my side.
It makes such a difference.
What a touching remembrance, that’s sweet that your parents still give you strength and love even though they are no longer physically present. I don’t feel much like I have a guardian angel, I have always had to depend on myself for comfort.
Leyla, I still feel like I have to depend on myself for comfort. And there are times when I’m pleading for their help, and all I get is radio silence. But I’m hoping in some fashion, they’re looking out for me.
My parents really were not there for me during very difficult years growing up, and beyond. I can’t even imagine thinking of them as you do, though I wish that I could have had a sense of someone always being there for me. How wonderful that must be.
I realized I do have a photo of my first two dogs prominently displayed in the living room. Getting dogs truly transformed my life and I do find it comforting to see their faces every day. I guess they are the closest I have to guardian angels.
Pets are the best guardian angels – all that unconditional love.