When you’re right on top of things, you don’t always have perspective. As I write this, NASA astronaut Scott Kelly is on his way home to Earth after spending a year in space. He shot breathtaking photos during his trip. Here’s one photo of cold weather and cloud formations off the east coast of North America. Can you imagine how differently we’d see our lives from that point of view?
Gorgeous, truly cosmic photos.
What a journey. He and his twin Mark seem like amazing men.
One of my favorite meditations to get me re-centered to this truth is Carl Sagan’s Blue Dot–there’s a youtube video of him reading it and I have found myself listening to it way more often these days.
This photo is just lovely. Gosh, it is good to feel small sometimes.
It’s good to feel small sometimes. Love that!
I agree Karen and Wendy, lovely to feel small sometimes particularly when feeling connected with the infinite expanse around us – a small part.
It’s such a relief to be part of something larger. I can also get that feeling from prayer.
I’m all about trying to see the big picture so I particularly like images like this, which are a great corrective to our tendency to loom too large in our own consciousnesses. Sometimes all it takes is looking up at the sky and feeling small to sort of balance things out a bit.
After a year in space, I can barely imagine Scott Kelly’s POV as he returns to life on earth.