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filed in Myths and stereotypes

Crazy Cat Lady Hidden Message

Crazy Cat Lady

The dark, hidden message in the Crazy Cat Lady Coloring Book.


18 comments for “Crazy Cat Lady Hidden Message”

  1. Dee says:

    I don’t really understand the connection between cats and single women??? But, I am glad that I don’t have (or want) any cats. I don’t need one more societal message to fight against. I’m tired enough with being single and child-free.

  2. Petra says:

    Boy is this offensive and sexist. I am single with one cat (and I’ve had her when I wasn’t in a relationship). I am dating a single man with two cats. The married couple (friends of mine) up the street has four cats.

  3. Claire says:

    Ha! I feel like the cat lady stereotype has become joke now bc (most) people recognize it’s dumb. I have a dog and a cat. I know singles with varying combos of pets, including men. My friend kept my cat for a year and her husband took it the worst when kitty moved back with me! My elderly single male neighbor has 2 cats. If cat lady is the worst insult someone has for me now I feel like “that’s all you got?”

  4. Leyla says:

    This gave me a good chuckle, because of the need for two adjectives, lonesome AND lonely. One wasn’t enough, they had to drive that point home. As I was getting ready to end a relationship a week go, I imagined that I would have to fill my house with cats in order to replace him and his company. After he left, I found out to my surprise that I was enough and actually felt really happy. I’m still sad about losing him and that it didn’t work out, but things like this just make me laugh. The work of defending our single lifestyle is never done!

  5. Kavitha says:

    This made me laugh too. Stereotyping in stealth mode 🙂

  6. Susannah says:

    Ahhh…HERMIT on the far right hand side needs to be highlighted, too!!

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