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Here We Go!


Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images

What’s Good About 2016?

Jack Pierson

It’s hard to put a good spin on 2016. Here’s why it’s worth a try. 2017 is sure to be challenging, maybe even more so. We’re going to need energy and we’re going to need hope. With that in mind, I ask you to make a list of 20 things that were good for you this year. I compiled my list yesterday, and to come up with 20, I really had to stretch. But it forced me to remember simple pleasures – like eating Spaghetti Pomodoro and the fact that the transcendent movie, Moonlight ever got made. What’s on your list?

This year by Jack Pierson

Dim the Lights

Debbie Reynolds

Debbie Reynolds, 1959.

In Awe of Carrie Fisher

This scene is so good. It really captured the vulnerability of 1980’s single life, and Carrie Fisher nailed it.

Happy Holidays!

Mrzyk Moriceau

Pencil by Mrzyk & Moriceau

I’m Ready for a Holiday Cocktail

Adam Hillman

Photo by Adam Hillman

Party Rules

Chloe Bass

These were actual instructions read out loud at a wine tasting and art event in Brooklyn. I wonder how it would’ve felt to participate. It almost sounds like fun.

Linger Longer Toast created by Chloe Bass


Anatol Knotek

No matter the weather, I fear this is going to be a cold winter. #thistooshallpass

Visual poetry by Anatol Knotek

Least Used Household Appliance

Ulla Stina Wikander

I’m not an impetuous consumer. As an avid cook, I love kitchen gadgets, but I restrain myself because of limited space and try to only buy items that I really need. Lately, I’ve been hankering for a pressure cooker since I read from a trusted source that they provide the best results for soups and stews. I also think about getting a powerful lightweight vacuum as an incentive to vacuum more, though really, is that so important? The one household appliance that sits unused in the drawer is my blow dryer. What item is taking up space in your home?

Cross-stitched sculpture by Ulla Stina Wikander

Single Life Much Better Than Advertised

Ella Frances Sanders

Six Word Memoirs began in 2006 as a project of Smith Magazine, and has since become a best selling book and an ice-breaking tool used at gatherings around the world. It’s practically impossible not to take a stab at it, which is how I came up with “Single Life Much Better Than Advertised.” What’s a version of your life in six words?

(for my career change friends, here’s my latest post: Holiday Guide to Looking for a Job)

Illustration by Ella Frances Sanders