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Here’s to You!

We survived. Happy V-Day!

Who Do You Love?

Regular FPS readers know that every evening before dinner, I take a couple of minutes for gratitude. I survey my day, and think about the folks who made it brighter. My brother, my dog, and you dear readers always make the cut. 

Tesla Love by Daniel Shaffer

You Can Count On Me

When I had a nasty cold last week, 3 friends offered to come over to my place and bring food. I was so touched. Luckily this wasn’t a bad virus, and I managed on my own. But I think one of our greatest fears about being single is getting sick, alone. So it’s wonderful to know people have my back. And the best nurse of all was my trusty dog, Rose.

Key Dog Ceramic by Eleonor Boström

How’s the Weather?

As my brother in Boston watched a white out from his window, we had a rain free day in L.A. Rose and I enjoyed the mild temps. How is it where you live?

Photo by Anne Kinnunen

Fast Food Go-To

For the most part, I’m a slow-food girl. I like braises, gumbos, stews and chili. The longer something cooks, the better. And my freezer is a testament to that, stocked with small storage containers from big pots of things that have leisurely simmered on my stove. But every week, I grab a quick bite from the neighborhood that someone else has cooked. My favorite is a Lebanese rotisserie chicken place nearby. Do you have a fast food go-to?

Photo by Emmanuel Monzon

Daily Gratitude

In these fraught political times, I’m trying to visualize a daily gratitude. Here’s a good one from Robert Montgomery.

What’s Your Favorite New Purchase?

Two weeks ago, I bought a new phone. My old one was on its last legs. It was slow and the battery wouldn’t hold a charge. I’d been lusting after a new phone for a whole year. I was surprised that at first, the purchase wasn’t as thrilling as I’d expected. It took me awhile to appreciate it. And now, I’m in love. What’s your new favorite thing?

Shopping by Ben Wiseman

End of Week Zen

Every step is a way through. Animated and drawn by Jason Wong

Rummaging Through the Fridge

I have a nasty cold. Usually at the first sign of sniffles, I make a big pot of chicken soup, but this struck too fast for me to get provisions. So I combed the shelves of my fridge to see what I could conjure up. Luckily, I had a bit of home made chicken stock in the freezer, and to that I added canned stock that I’d stowed in the pantry. Ordinarily, I’m fussy about my ingredients, but not today. I threw in some limp celery, and a half of a red onion (that had both seen better days). I also had a bunch of string beans, one potato, and a frozen boneless chicken breast (that I cook up for my dog). I simmered these ragtag leftovers, and I have to say, it’s pretty good. 

Photo from Things Organized Neatly

Does Valentines Day Bother You?

It’s hard for me to remember a time when I got upset about not having a date for Valentines. Do you think the holiday used to hold more sway with the general public, or is it just me that no longer cares? 

Valentines Cards for Single People by Mr. Bingo