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filed in Daily Life

Feeling of Accomplishment

As a Career Coach, I remind clients to celebrate their accomplishments. Looking for work can be a nebulous job with no discernible results along the way. That’s why it’s important to break things down into small tasks, so you can point to a win during the process. And that’s one of the reasons I like to cook, particularly in the midst of other grander pursuits. There’s a beginning, middle and at the end, I can say, “I did that.” What’s like that in your life?

Timmy’s Turn to Mow the Living Room by Shawna Gilmore


7 comments for “Feeling of Accomplishment”

  1. Anna says:

    I feel the same way about exercise. I may not be able to control how my workday goes or the kind of feedback I get there, but I can usually carve out an hour to hit the treadmill or to go to a barre class, and I can control the effort I put in there.

    • wendy says:

      When I used to run for exercise, I had that same feeling.

    • Claire says:

      For me this week in my efforts to exercise:

      beginning: I know I need to go to yoga but I wanna go to my couch. WAAAAH

      Middle: this sucks I’m sweating a lot and my shoulders are burning I hate this.

      End: savasana and trippy music, ok I’m glad I came.

  2. Petra says:

    Cycling (and before that, running). I can look at the odometer or the Garmin and see how far I’ve gone. I feel very accomplished afterwards.

    Cooking, too, gives me that sense of having completed something successfully. And definitely entertaining. There is something rewarding about pulling off an evening that others enjoy. In a way, it gives me not only satisfaction, but also the warm feelings of community. And it reminds me that I have some talents, especially important when I’m feeling less than talented.

  3. Amy says:

    Actually, cleaning sometimes gives me that feeling. It is a number of small tasks that can be broken down, and it feels so good when it’s all done.

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