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Renewal 2017

I grew up in New York City in a very Jewish environment, so my first inroad into the Christian narrative was from the movies – The Robe, Ben Hur, King of Kings. They were cheesy, yes. but I was transfixed by the story, in part, because it was so foreign to me. But now, during spring time when Easter and Passover coincide, I realize that the core message of these holidays is similar. (Both have eggs as a ritual food.) What’s your hope of renewal for the season?

Are We Single Because of Grammar?

I’ve been known to pass on someone’s dating profile when it has lots of typos. (Well, maybe the photo had something to do with it, too.) Is spelling a deal breaker for you?

Single by Chris Hallbeck

So, It’s Not Just Single Women After All


Of Cats and Men by Sam Kalda

Baking Matters

On this Jewish holiday, I spent most of the time in the kitchen, which puts me right in step with my foremothers. I was trying out a new recipe for a Passover dessert. These are Coco Thumbprints from Dorie’s Cookies, and they’re an updated version of macaroons filled with chocolate ganache. It took me a couple of batches to get it right. Tonight, I’m bringing this to another Seder and I’m hoping they go over well. 

Matzo Ball Season

I’m in a mad dash to finish up with clients and complete the matzo ball soup for the Passover Seder this evening. More tomorrow.

Pretty in Pink

The world feels so weighty these days. I’m glad to have arrived at the time in my week when I release despair and revel in beauty and hope. I wish the same for you.

Photo by Keith Bedford of a ballet dancer auditioning for the Youth America Grand Prix

Mixed Up Messages

I just came in from walking the dog to hear about the U.S. air strikes in Syria. It’s impossible for me to trust the President. If he can change the narrative with a Tweet, imagine what he can do with Tomahawk missiles. I pray for us all.

Sign by Micah Lexier

The Allergies Are Worth It

During the last few weeks, a sure sign of spring is all the sneezing I’ve been doing. On almost every block, the blooms are bursting. And the fragrance of the blossoms (when my nose is clear enough to smell) is evidence of the divine.

Photo of a Tokyo park by Toru Hani

What’s For Dinner?


On my plate tonight – a salad with farmer’s market spring vegetables.

Illustration by Wendy Macnaughton

Play Ball 2017

Today is the beginning of baseball season and I’m thinking about the value of rituals. They’re familiar and dependable, and that’s part of their power. This is also on my mind with Passover seders next week. My extended family has been feverishly emailing to confirm times, dates, potluck assignments. (Every year, I make cookies and matzoh ball soup.) I’m so comforted to know that this annual gathering is on the calendar and I have a place at the table. What rituals have meaning for you?

1992 photo in San Diego by Charlie Starr