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On Good Days, I Get This

What does this say to you?

Painting by Shawn Huckins

Favorite Sweatpants, RIP

Ever since moving to L.A, I’ve been cultivating a sweatpants wardrobe. Lightweight summer ones, chunky winters ones, cropped, wide-legged. I need a whole drawer for my sweatpants. After years of searching, I finally found the perfect cozy pair from Vince. They were pricey, but fit like a dream, with enough pockets for house keys and doggie poop bags. I liked them so much that I bought a second pair and stowed them away for when the first one ripped. So it was with great sadness and reluctance (it took me weeks) that I threw my remaining pair in the garbage yesterday, after becoming so shredded that I could no longer wear them. And already, they are greatly missed. Have you ever had an item of clothing that was hard to part with?

Let the Season Begin

Flip flops by Steve Frykholm

End of Week Zen

Painting of Powdered Jelly Donuts by Oriana Ingber


Last night, as I was about to barbecue some red peppers, the cover of the gas grill came off in my hands. The dinner I’d envisioned all day depended on these peppers, so I refused to be deterred. It took some awkward maneuvering to keep the lid on, but the peppers got grilled and I had a lovely meal. It was too dark to discover the problem, plus I’m pathetic at home repair. I thought about calling a handyman in the morning, but who would come over for such a minor item. With the light of day, I was determined to see what I could do, given the grill’s importance in my life. I took a deep breath, centered myself, removed the lid and noticed that a couple of screws had fallen out. Within minutes, the cover was fixed. I’m feeling single and proud right now.

It’s Even Better the 2nd Time


Illustration by Marc Johns

Look for the Helpers

This is so needed!

Via Swiss Miss

Dish Rack Protocol When You’re Single

I don’t like visual chaos, which is why my home is fairly neat. One exception is a perennially messy desk. And the other is the dish rack. The items I use everyday – coffee mug, juice glass, water bottle, paring knife, small plate, granola spoon and bowl – never get stored back into their respective spots. I don’t much see the point. And I’m wondering if this is because I live alone and there’s no one bugging me about it. Please, tell me, can you relate?

Stack of Plates with Flatware and Glasses by Carrie Mae Smith

Such is Life

It’s Friday as I write this. There have been so many ups and downs these last 7 days, starting with the loss of my dear cat, Lily, plus all the political madness. But it has ended on a decidedly up note, with an article I wrote now published at Forbes. Here’s hoping your week ends up as FINE. 

Illustration by Marc Johns

A Good Day

An article that I wrote for an online publication of PBS is today’s “Editor’s Choice.” It’s a personal and practical account of my career change after 50. There were many times along the way that I felt hopeless. And it’s a reminder (even to me) of hanging in there despite the landscape appearing dark.

Photo by KangHee Kim