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Protest Art

Poster by José Cruz

Pop of Color

Check out this sculpture series by Joe Suzuki. Which color do you like best?



How to Deal With Existential Angst

Almost every day since the election has felt like an existential threat. My friends vary on how much news they let in. But it’s impossible to fully detach. And mostly, I think that’s a good thing. The nation needs us right now. With so much beyond our control, I love the idea of channeling the anxiety into something beautiful. With that in mind, I baked salted caramel chocolate bars over the weekend.

Laurie Anderson via Austin Kleon

Win Win

Photo by Dwight Eschliman

Holding On to Summer

Starting next week in Los Angeles, kids will be returning to school. The daylight is beginning to ebb. Summer is speeding by and I want it to slow down. 

Watermelon Slices by Sakir Gökçebag

Car Lust

When I was in high school, I dated a boy for one reason only, because he drove a Triumph similar to the one pictured above (his was blue). I loved the prestige of riding around in it. These days, I’d prefer a Model 3 Tesla. What’s your car lust?


How I Spent My Weekend

Through the years, I’ve dutifully watched videos of my friends’ children on Facebook. And now, finally, I have my response. Izzy (in blue) spent the weekend with me and Rose (in the pink bow*). They played and played. And I couldn’t help but share. Thanks for watching.

* from Rose’s recent trip to the groomer.

Glen Campbell, RIP

Glen Campbell’s inspiring wife Kim takes my ballet class from time to time. And because we’ve chatted through the years, I knew that he’d been ill with Alzeimer’s disease. I was not particularly drawn to Campbell’s music, but he was such a superstar. I love this grainy video from the show Shindig in 1965, where he’s singing a song written by Brian Wilson of Beachboys fame. What a voice!

Stress Busters

Years ago, I used to be an obsessive knitter. It was a steady companion. There was something about the motion and the clicking sound and the excitement of a beautiful new sweater that calmed me. I would spend hours in a neighborhood shop looking at patterns and picking out yarns. I’m trying to think if there’s anything in my life like that now. Ballet. Cooking. Prayer. My dog. What keeps you company?

Knitted glass sculpture by Carol Milne

Switching Off

Happy weekend! 

On by Roy Lichtenstein, 1962.