I flew to San Francisco for the weekend, and on my Southwest flight, they handed out snacks. This was great, because I was in the mood for salt. Yet as much as I tried, I couldn’t pry open the bag of peanuts. (Maybe related – I also struggle unlocking pump bottles.) Embarrassed, yet determined, I eyed the person sitting next to me, and sheepishly asked for his help. Returning home yesterday, there was another round of snacks. This time, I passed. But I watched an elderly couple across the aisle. The woman also struggled with the bag of peanuts, and she let her husband do the work.
Over the weekend, I savored my last taste of decent ripe tomatoes, when I slow roasted a pint of cherries and tossed them with spaghetti. Now I’m having to come to terms with tomato season being over. As a transitional dish, I cooked a chickpea and eggplant stew. Next step, rutebaga? What’s your favorite winter veg?
Colored carrots from Things Organized Neatly
As I draft this at 5pm on October 23, it’s 102 degrees in Los Angeles. Though the signs of autumn are evident with the fading light, we’re burning up here (figuratively and literally). 15 years ago, when I first moved to the Southland from San Francisco, I remember the evenings as usually cool, even in summer, which made for good sleeping weather. Now, it’s always hot. My dog Rose is not a happy camper. Neither is her Mom.
Photo by Loic Venance
It can be hard to know the right time to make an exit – whether it’s in relationships, where you live, or as a Career Coach what has become my area of expertise – your job. Particularly as we get older and more dug in, all these decisions have enormous ripple effects. For any FPS readers who might be having an employment “dark night of the soul,” I wanted to share my best advice on 5 Reasons It’s Time to Leave Your Job.
This is the 2nd time in 3 days that I’ve posted an illustration by Eiko Ojala. I’ve just discovered his work and I love it!