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Rose Marie, RIP

The Dick Van Dyke show was one of the sounds of my childhood. The multi-talented Rose Marie played the character of Sally Rogers, a perennially single woman. Sally was always grousing about not having a man, yet at the same time, she had an enviable career (unique to women then) as the writer of a hit TV show. Her character reflected the cultural bias about being unmarried and I’m sure it seeped into my bloodstream. Looking at this clip today, it happily feels like a relic from another era.

Rose Marie died this week at 94.

End of Year Reminder: Be Generous With Yourself

Poster by Mikey Burton

2017 Review

As this tumultuous year winds down, in which I was enraged much of the time, I’ve been challenging myself to reflect on the parts that actually went well. And with that in mind, I’m going to ask you a couple of questions, inspired by my coaching mentor, Stephanie Marisca.

1. Name one thing you accomplished this year that you’re especially proud of.  
2. What quality (or qualities) do you possess that enabled you to accomplish it. 

And if you feel like sharing your accomplishment with the FPS community, we’d love to hear it!

Illustration by Marc Johns

Urban Christmas

Photo of a NYC fire escape by Katie Rodgers

O Holy Night

Nativity scene from Wags to Riches

Chill in the Air

It was 44 degrees this morning in L.A. when I took Rose for a walk. Cold enough for me to grab the down vest and wool cap that are buried deep in the closet. The political tax news of the day has wracked my body and soul, and even with the heat on, I can’t seem to warm up.

Installation by Alex Da Corte

Holiday Checklist

Don’t forget to treat yourself.

Photo by Lucia Litman

Finding the Glow

For most of my adult life, the lead up to Christmas made me sad, like I was pressing my nose up against the door of a world in which I didn’t belong. People searching for gifts and tree decorations, going to parties, cramming into airports. It was unfathomable. Being single made it worse.  Until I finally realized that the only solution was to participate. And that’s when I decided to make an annual Christmas dinner for my friends. (This will be the 10th year.) Now during these pre-holiday weeks, I, too have a focus. Planning a menu, shopping for food, prepping, cooking, setting the table, and even searching for festive decorations. The way in was to step right through.

Christmas Cheer

Typewritten 1950 Christmas postcard that Langston Hughes sent to friends


Dining Alone and Happy

My Latvian-born Grandmother made the best potato latkes. She would stand by the stove for what seemed like hours, frying them up in a cast-iron pan for her adoring, hungry family. I’ve modernized the activity by using a food processor instead of a perilous hand grater, and there are times like tonight when I’m making them just for me. Served with dollops of sour cream and applesauce, it’s one of my absolute favorite foods of the year. And I’ve made enough to store some in the freezer to savor for another meal. Wish you could join me!