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Happy Food

Last week, my brother visited me from Boston. Being a tour guide isn’t my strong suit, but he loves good food, so the one thing I pre-planned in detail was where we’d eat. We dined at a number of celebrated L.A. restaurants including Pizzeria Mozza and Lucques, but had equally memorable meals with friends who graciously cooked for us in their homes. I’m happy and all filled up.

Donut Show by Kristin Tercek

End of Week Zen

Stay steady even in the headwinds. Have a great weekend!

Illustration by Marc Johns

Traffic Woes

There once was a time in Los Angeles when you could drive anywhere in 20 minutes. That time has long since passed (thus the “clueless” in the chart’s title). Traffic is a constant now, and it’s the most oppressive part of living here. Except for Sunday mornings at 8am, when I zoom down Sunset Blvd., arrriving at the Farmer’s Market in 4 minutes. It’s an exhilarating feeling. How’s the traffic where you live?

Chart by Michelle Rial

What’s Your Sign?

That’s me!

Illustration by Lisa Congdon

Eat Your Vegetables

My father courted danger. His most consistent food items were bread and chocolate ice cream. He never ate vegetables, never exercised and smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day for 50 years. And yet, my father lived with mostly good health until his mid-80’s. I hope I’ve inherited those genes, but I’m not taking any chances.

Green Day by Adam Hillman

Art Matters

On Sunday, I trekked with friends to L.A.’s Museum of Contemporary Art to see an exhibition of 3 iconic photographers, Brassaï, Diane Arbus and Nan Goldin. I felt so enriched by the day. The 1960 photo above, Architectural Hats, was not part of the exhibition, but it’s another reminder of how uplifting art can be.

Milos Forman, RIP

Director Milos Forman was one of the greats! (If you haven’t yet seen Amadeus, track it down.) Here’s a wonderful interview with Forman on Fresh Air from 1994.


I’m in love with this Rumi quote.

Budding with Anticipation

Spring is more nuanced in Los Angeles than other climates, but there are scents and flowering plants here that only come alive this time of year. One of my favorites is the Jacaranda tree with its blueish-purple blossoms. I love gazing at them on the tree, but also once they’ve fallen on the dark green grass. What buds are you most looking forward to?

Painting by Chloe Hedden

Perfect is the Enemy of Good


Notice how the illustrator Marc Johns places the “pretty good” text off center.