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Happy New Year 5780!

As part of my annual Jewish New Year’s tradition, I baked Rugelach, a pastry that reminds me of holiday gatherings growing up with immigrant grandparents in New York City. It’s a lot of work, but my extended family here in Los Angeles is grateful. And I get to eat them, too.

Fall Reading List

On Sunday, my book group assembled to discuss the first half of Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison. It’s stunning. What are you reading?

Painting by Hillary Pecis

Soak It In

Today in ballet class, someone complimented me on my dancing, and my first thought was to tell her how wrong she was. Luckily, I resisted that impulse and said thank you.

365quotes by Kelly Beall

Big News Day!

Game Changer


Our New Leaders

Photo by Jonno Rattman for The New Yorker

Fall Candor

Cartoon by Teresa Burns Parkhurst

Food Staple

Every Monday is artichoke night at my house. I get them the day before at the Farmer’s Market. They’re jumbo and delicious. Do you have favorite food routines?

Photo by Sarah Illenberger

Cokie Robert, You Will Be Missed!

Read her inspiring obit here

Upside of Single, Late Summer Edition

The New Yorker cartoon by David Sipress