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Staying Fit

I’ve been streaming an occasional yoga class, really missing the in-person experience. And my dog gets in the way. What’s your exercise routine these days?

Illustration by Alessandra Olanow

Sometimes, it’s the little things

I usually buy dishwashing liquid in bulk at Costco, but since hoarding became a thing, I haven’t been able to find any. On Sunday, I found one remaining container on the shelf at a local market. And I have to say, it made my day. There will be a time when we tell stories about the pandemic and people who weren’t there will have a hard time believing we could get so excited about procuring soap to wash dishes.

Love Thy Neighbor 2020

Illustration by Jean Jullien

Making Connections

My busy, urban neighborhood is quiet. When I take Rose for our walks, we see familiar faces, but greet each other from afar. With no butt sniffing these days, even dogs have to deal with the new normal. I’ve spent more time talking with friends on the phone than I have for years. How are you staying connected?

Image by Eiko Ojala

Audacity of Hope

Image via this isn’t happiness

Activity List

After spending the whole day indoors, I pushed myself to take a brisk evening walk around the neighborhood. It’s surreal and sobering to cross Sunset Blvd. at rush hour with no traffic. And still, it was good to get out.

Cartoon by Dagsson


Keep breathing and be well!

Illustration by Malika Favre

A Simpler Time

I look forward to taking toilet paper for granted again.

Illustration by Erika Lee Sears

Love in the Time of Cholera

This evening, I considered making a quick run to the market in my neighborhood – until realizing I really didn’t NEED anything. With all the mental Zen I can muster, I’m trying my hardest not to think too far ahead about what life has become. And instead, I splurged on an overpriced hoodie, since we’ll all be living in our sweats. What are your best coping strategies?

Cartoon by Emily Bernstein

The New Normal

I’ve been working from home for years, so this is the one aspect of the crisis that hasn’t been hard for me. But for those working from home for the first time, what’s that like for you?

The New Yorker cover by Barry Blitt