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Flower Power

Ravishing flowers designed and photographed by Natasja Sadi

The Way Forward

There’s a pair of sleek Theory pants that I have my eye on. I’ve been tracking them all season, waiting for a sale. Today I noticed they were 30% off. Considering whether the moment had arrived for the purchase, I had a chilling thought – when will I ever be getting out to wear them? 

Illustration by Alessandra Olanow

Daily Routine

Illustration by Daniel Padure

The New Rush Hour

Upper East Side, New York City. 5:47pm.  Photo by Jerome Strauss

Sweating the Small Stuff

The New Yorker Cartoon by Jason Adam Katzenstein

A New Walking City

Something I never thought I’d see here in Los Angeles. Few cars, lots of pedestrians.

Illustration by Geoff McFetridge

Earth Day 2020

The New Yorker cartoon by Avi Steinberg

Finding the Spark

This week, one of my clients who trained to be a violinist but is now a corporate lawyer, told me about an uplifting moment. She was hunkered at home with her family when she heard this beautiful sound coming from the neighborhood. Someone who she couldn’t see was playing Bach. She was so moved that she decided to go outside on her front steps with her violin and accompany whoever it was. And as these strangers played together, others on the street came out to listen.

Illustration by Malika Favre

What New Thing Have You Tried?

Have you cooked a new food, baked bread, streamed an exercise video, power walked, cut your hair? What’s your coping innovation these days?

Image by Adam J. Kurtz


I’ve been streaming yoga classes and this is pitch perfect.

The New Yorker cartoon by Lila Ash