// archives

What’s keeping you up at night?

Illustration by Alessandra Olanow

O Canada

Drone circle in Yellowknife, Canada by Reuben Wu

Get out the vote

Handwritten postcards for Jaime Harrison’s Senate campaign (running against Lindsey Graham) by illustrator Wendy MacNaughton

Retail Therapy

I just bought a new iMAC with a 27″ screen. I desperately needed a computer, and this felt good.

Cartoon by Josh Mecouch

Perfect Tee

T-shirt (with words from Kamala Harris) at House of Swank

Madam VP

Kamala Harris interview in Elle

And I mean literally

Trucks and Truisms by Jenny Holzer

More 2020

It’s a theme.

Cartoon by Modern Toss

Breakfast. 2020.

Photo by Jörn Beyer