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Nap Time

Illustration by Jean Jullien

Mid-century dining

Growing up in NYC, Horn and Hardart was a landmark eating establishment that filled me with endless fascination. It was a fine-dining vending machine, with mini-casseroles and fresh-baked pies. As a kid, I couldn’t figure out how the food would keep magically reappearing in the slots.  

Automat by Elliot Erwitt 1953

Remembering Affection

This morning, I got my 2nd vaccination dose. 2 weeks and counting to a hug.

Illustration by Brian Rea

I’m sticking with the dog

The New Yorker cartoon by Emily Flake

My Kind of Oval Office

Champ, the First Dog, is getting briefed.

End of week Zen

Other Worldly

The surface of Mars taken from Perseverance – NASA’s robotic rover – after its successful landing.

I miss seeing friends

Ready for my 2nd vaccination next week

Illustration by MDNF

Nurture your nature

Does hugging a house plant work?

Illustration by Alessandra Olanow


Now that my dog Rose is almost 16, she doesn’t sleep in the bed with me anymore. I really miss that, but it’s too big a jump down. Rose has her own cozy dog bed, which I’ve positioned on the ground at just the right angle, so I can gaze at her during the night.

“Missing Cat” by Virginia Mori