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Weather check

Art by Settai Komura

Change of pace

Illustration by Grace Miceli


About 10 years ago, I had the privilege of attending an evening with Justice Stephen Breyer at the Central Library in Los Angeles. The venue was relatively small and intimate, with only about 150 people in the room. It was an inspiring and uplifting experience. I remember thinking of that period of time as one of turmoil, though nowhere as politically fraught as it is today. But Breyer remained optimistic. “We’ve been through worse,” he said, as he held up his pocket edition of the Constitution. I’ll never forget it.

Photo by Damon Winter/New York Times

Just another day in L.A.

It makes me chuckle when I see dogs donning coats in L.A., where the temperature rarely drops below 50. 

The New Yorker cartoon by Jason Adam Katzenstein


Emotion Wheel

Illustration by Hallie Bateman

Mix it up

Image via Swissmiss

End of week Zen

Hello Friday by Alessandra Olanow

Martini time


Painting by Erika Lee Sears

Tempus fugit

Poster by David Shrigley

So far, an inside out kind of year

Illustration by Michael Dumontier and Neil Farber